
Essay For Public Health Admission

Decent Essays

My interest in the science, health care, and public health fields stems from a very young age. I grew up in a home where conversations about articles in the latest Journal of the Medical Association (JAMA) were the norm, where taking insulin at the dinner table was appropriate, and where debating about the ethical implications of distributing generic medications to individuals in other countries was typical. I did not know, however, what my interest in the vast areas of science, health care, and public health would actually lead me to.
I was born and raised primarily in the Northeastern United States but had the opportunity to live for an extended period of time in the Bay Area of California as an infant, India for long vacations throughout …show more content…

I am both excited and honored to apply to the program in Health Policy and Management. The courses “Introduction to Health Care Management” and “Human Resource Management in Health Care” are of great interest to me because they focus on leadership, strategic planning, and problem solving. The comprehensive curriculum offered at Emory University Rollins School of Public Health will not only improve my critical thinking skills, but it will also afford me with the opportunity to achieve a better understanding of public health on both domestic and global scales. Further, having the opportunity to intern with major research centers like the Center for Public Health Preparedness and Research will provide me with first-hand training on how to develop public health solutions.
My long term goals include advancing my knowledge in the public health field and to use my newly acquired skills to impact the community in a positive way. I intend to accomplish this by becoming a health care administrator or working at an institution focused on education and disease prevention. I hope to use my research and educational background to monitor health hazards and find solutions for them. Enrolling in the Masters in Public Health program at Emory University Rollins School of Public Health will provide me with the tools necessary to succeed in achieving this

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