
Essay On Anne's Red Hair Colors

Decent Essays

Anne’s red hair in the book is supposed to represent insecurities for everybody in general. First, when Ms. Lynde makes a comment about Anne’s hair, saying, “And hair red as carrots!” (Page 64) Anne got enraged and furious, leaving Ms. Lynde disgusted by her actions. Anne knows that her hair isn’t the most common hair color and she feels like it makes her stand out in a bad way although it really doesn’t. She feels that she has to fit in, making her hair very hated by herself, just like other people and how we hate our insecurities. Next, when Gilbert called Anne’s hair carrots, in the text, it said, “She flashed one indignant glance at Gilbert from eyes whose were angry sparkle with swiftly quenched in tears.” (Page 111), meaning that

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