
Essay On Athens Vs Sparta

Decent Essays

Both Athens and Sparta hold great historic value for Greece and the world. Athens, the capital and largest city in Greece was the symbol for freedom, art, and democracy. The city took its name from the goddess Athena, the goddess of wisdom and knowledge. Sparta, a town near Evrotas River, was the center of the Peloponnese in southern Greece. This Dorian Greek military state city was the protector of Greece as it provided a large army for many years.
Both societies were very different in many aspects. Sparta was content with itself and provided its army when required. Athens on the other hand wanted to take control of more and more land in Greece. They could not defeat Sparta’s army, however they had built a powerful navy which protected Greece from the Persian threat during Xerxess invasion of Greece.
Sparta was an “Oligarchy” meaning it was ruled by few. It had five Ephors who were elected annually along with a “gerousia”, similar to a senate to rule along with their two kings. …show more content…

Their culture was more forward looking than Athenians. Boys had mandatory military service. Sparta women were stronger and they formed liaisons with the men they chose. Sparta women were disallowed from wearing any cosmetic or jewelry and spent most of their time training as they were judged on their physique. Women fit and in great shape would produce fit offspring, continuing the military traditions of Sparta. They also spent time educating themselves unlike Athenian women, who were denied an education.
It is clear that the Athenians had more freedom to do leisure items. With a democratic government, it would be more possible for citizens to become part of politics, but it was possible for Spartans to be elected as part of the senate. Citizens of Sparta was primarily focused on military so their freedom was very limited to the activities in which they could

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