
Essay On Benefits Of Oatmeal

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Benefits Of Oatmeal:
Oatmeal is an excellent source for omega-3 fatty acids, iron, minerals and nutrients. Oatmeal has lot of health benefits. Oatmeal is rich source for soluble fibre which absorbs bad cholesterol in your body. Oatmeal is of different types they are ground oats, crushed oats and rolled oats. Oatmeal is preferred as breakfast to maintain healthy body and to reduce cholesterol levels.
Health benefits of oatmeal:

Immune system: Oatmeal contains beta-gluten which promotes the healthy functioning of immune system. Oatmeal fights with the bacterial infection and improves the body functioning effectively.
Diabetes: Oatmeal contain high amount of minerals which help to reduce the risk of developing the type 2 diabetes. It helps body to properly use glucose …show more content…

High cholesterol levels increase the risk of heart disease whereas lower cholesterol reduces the risk.

Blood pressure: Oatmeal contain high amount of fibre that reduce the risk of high blood pressure. Women at the time of postmenopausal have tendency to increase the high blood pressure at such cases oatmeal plays a major role in reducing the risk of blood pressure.

Beauty Benefits Of Oatmeal:
Hair care: Oatmeal contains high amount of magnesium, zinc, potassium and iron. These help to strengthen the hair follicles and reduce hair fall. Nutrients present in oat promote healthy hair growth.

Skin care: Oatmeal has properties that are beneficial to skin. Oatmeal protects your skin from dryness, itchy sensation. It is used as scrub for skin and makes your skin soft and glow.

Best Benefits Of Oatmeal
Oatmeal breakfast is very healthy for your health. A bowl of oatmeal has numerous health benefits both on your body, skin and hair. The grain comes in many forms namely steel cut oats, oat groats and Scottish oats to name a few which are vary in texture and taste but are filled with health

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