
Essay On Big Data

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The healthcare industry historically has generated large amounts of data, driven by record keeping, compliance & regulatory requirements, and patient care. Whilemost data is stored in hard copy form, the current trend istoward rapid digitization of these large amounts of data.Driven by mandatory requirements and the potential to improve the quality of healthcare delivery meanwhile reducingthe costs, these massive quantities of data (known as ‘big data’) hold the promise of supporting a wide rangeof medical and healthcare functions, including amongothers clinical decision support, disease surveillance and population health management Reports say data from the U.S. healthcare system alone reached, in 2011, 150 exabytes. At this rate of …show more content…

Increased global competition and the need for sustainable growth are pushing more and more companies to adapt analytical approaches for business insights. Healthcare organizations more than ever are being seen using analytics to consume, identify and apply new insights from information. Innovative analytical methods are being used to drive clinical and operational improvements to meet business challenges.

The below summarizes how predictive analytics is benefiting different segments of the healthcare industry:

Life-sciences: Aid in clinical research and drug discovery

Healthcare providers: Aid in clinical decision support and diagnostic assistance

Insurance providers: Aid in optimizing healthcare costs and preventing fraud

Public health: Aid in monitoring public health status and identifying epidemic outbreaks

Individuals: Aid in real-time health monitoring and critical care intervention
From being extensive users of descriptive analytics, using reporting based tools and applications descriptively to understand what happened in the past and classify, categorize historical, structured data, healthcare organizations are moving towards predictive analytics techniques that take an understanding of the past to predict future activities and model scenarios using simulation and forecasting, supporting advanced capabilities such as enterprise analytics, evidence-based medicine and

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