
Essay On Bullying In The United States

Better Essays

Bullying is harmful and may cause physical or psychological damage for life. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines bullying as any unwanted aggressive behavior(s) by another person or group of people, who are not siblings or current dating partners. Uncontrollable bullying throughout the world among people has caused health related issues and, for some people, even death. The National Youth Violence Prevention Resources Center stated that bullying is one type of violence that threatens young people's well-being and can result in physical injuries, social and emotional difficulties, as well as academic problems (Cite). Others including friends and families frequently feel the harmful effects of bullying. It is noted that bullying can hurt the overall health and safety of schools, neighborhoods, and one’s socioeconomic environment.
Bullying involves an observed or perceived power imbalance and is highly likely to be repeated behavior. A young person can be a perpetrator, a victim, or both (also known as a "bully/victim") (Cite). In order to study bullying in the United States, this paper will provide a thorough definition of bullying, which includes characteristics of bullies and those that are victims of bullying. This paper will also examine …show more content…

“These roles also contribute to an ungovernable operose effort to conform to social constructions of masculinity that endorse the use of violence as a reply to shame” (Majied, 2010). “Using recent school shootings as an example, the author suggested that the majority of the shooters were "gay-baited" or at the very least were accused of not adhering to the normative codes of masculinity” (Majied,

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