
Essay On Daoist Religion

Decent Essays

Let’s celebrate the malleable reality (Jason Mraz, “Live High”). It is no secret that I am a ratty seventeen-year old girl, my opinions change like the seasons. In the Daoist religion, the Chinese philosopher Zhuangzi, rejects barriers. Daoists observe that most people see the world from their perspective and divide things into opposites and similarities. To attain understanding of the world, it is imperative to go beyond simple opposites. For Daoist philosophers, change is not necessarily change, but adaptation. Basic Daoist teachings suggest paranormal and normal are not opposite, but relative. I am seventeen and the observational research study of my beliefs is still underway. While I did spend freshman year hydrogenating my blood stream with Cheetos, I rejected these practices the following year. I made a clear decision; genetically …show more content…

I feel like a switchboard operator from the 1950s. I keep pulling phone plugs and placing them into a new jack. For my growth as a young woman, it is necessary that I allow my thoughts to adapt and change. Just last year I rejected my Mexican heritage and embraced being white. Now I reject the idea that I am white. What is white? If I am white, why did Cesar Chavez, a Mexican man, get arrested for sitting in the ‘white’s only’ section? I am not even sure if I believe in my Mexican heritage since Mexico is a melting pot like the U.S. is. I went from a high school with a large Mexican community, to a school with about five Mexican-American students. My ideals were a product of my surroundings. Now that I am in a completely different environment, I have a completely different opinion that I do not yet understand. Being able to grow and change excites me! I do not want to be a static character in life, I want to be volatile. Consistency is a fallacy. Instead of rejecting change and holding concrete beliefs, I choose to hold liquid

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