
Essay On Each One Teach One In Cincinnatirotc

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This paper is about a program called Each One Teach One of Cincinnati, EOTOC. This program is for High School Students in the inner city who are from low income, drug abuse homes. We are partnering with Cincinnati Public Schools to get the students and will service their needs. The services we provide include uniforms, haircuts, drug intervention, drug education, family bonding. Family sessions, self-esteem and mentoring. The organization will partner with many neighborhood organizations such as YMCA, YWCA, Kings Island, and the Boys and Girls Club to assist with the programs.

Each One Teach One in Cincinnati (EOTOC) is a program designed to strengthen the relationships in the community while building self-esteem in our …show more content…

We have eight hair stylist and barbers that will come in to handle the pamper days. We have thirty mentors that are currently assigned to our facility and thirty on the waiting list as our needs increase. These mentors have been screened and tested by the Director to ensure they are prepared to lead our clients in a healthy direction. We have a contract with TANK that will transport our students to any location outside of our organization. We clear all students after they have completed an informed consent from the parent informing them about the program and what to expect. The student will also take the Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory (SASSI-A2). When we involve the family sessions we will also include the CAGE questionnaire so that we can understand the history of the student to try to gain some background information. When dealing with family, we will have family nights every Tuesday where the students will have the opportunity to bring the family out to join in on the sessions. This way there is an opportunity for the family to participate in group sessions with the students. This will also be award night to also encourage the family to participate. Although all students will be provided with an award, because we feel that if we show the students that they are making progress no matter how small, they will be encouraged. We must continue to lift them

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