
Essay On Field Epidemiology

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When I reflect on what some of my passions they have always involved research and the study of administration of justice. I have participated and hosted science fairs since elementary school and have obtained a degree in both psychology and administration of justice when I completed high school, which led me to believe that my passion would lie in Epidemiology with a concentration in Public Health.
Epidemiology has been characterized as the basic science of public health as it is a branch of medicine that deals with the prevention of mental health, distribution and control of factors relating to health. In terms of public health, this position is considered “field epidemiology” and this particular field generates a median salary of $62,000. …show more content…

Dr. Harawa has expertise in HIV epidemiology, prevention, testing, and retention in care; sexually transmitted diseases epidemiology and prevention; health disparities and social determinants of health; incarceration and health; and stress and health disparities.
3. Dr. William Cunningham (, (310) 206-5838)
Professor at University of California-Los Angeles School of Public Health in the department of Health Policy and Management. Dr. Cunningham has expertise in health disparities, health services research, HIV/AIDS, and racial and ethnic disparities in care, barriers to care and health outcomes.
It happens so often, we are fooled to believe how good a person is to how pleasurable they are between the sheets. We learn about various STDs and STIs, but we feel invincible to them. However, risky sexual experiences can often lead to lifelong issues with their sexual health. “Our psychology can skew with sex,” says Dr. David Bowen, director of Student Health at Howard University’s Student Health Center. “We can often be fooled about how good a person is due to us having the pleasure part of sex.” When it comes to HIV, you must assume you are having sex with everyone your partners partner is having sex

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