
Essay On Hiring Employees

Decent Essays

During an economic crisis, a hiring employer can deal with a large number of unqualified applicants by selecting the applicant with the closest qualifications and the best motivation. While it is important for the applicant to have the KSAs, knowledge, skills and abilities, to perform the job, these can be learned. In recruitment, the employer can sell the job to the applicant by stating that company will offer training and closer supervision and direction so that the applicant feels comfortable accepting the job, knows that the company values their motivation and is aware of what they need to learn. With a large number of applicants, I would recommend a company use application forms, ability tests, personality tests, interviews and …show more content…

Employment at will is a common-law rule used by employers to assert their right to end an employment relationship with an employee at any time for any cause. I disagree with this concept that that an employer can terminate an employee at any time for any reason, as long as they don’t discriminate in doing so, because it is reverse physiological way to motivate an employee and causes anxiety. This concept was originally introduced to promote flexibility in the labor market, but I think it hurts business. If my workers are complaining that they don’t like the performance system because all they get is negative evaluations and feedbacks, I would implement 360° feedback. 360° feedback is a combination of peer, subordinate and self-review which means that workers review others at the same level, their supervisor and themselves. This is different from the traditional approach of focusing on weakness because the worker is able to give their perspective and have input. Performance appraisal is useful and should be done. Employers perspective include that individual differences in performance can make a difference to company performance, documentation of apria may be needed for legal defense and appraisal provided a rational basis for constructing a bonus or merit system. Employee perspective include improvement in performance requires assessment, fairness requires that differences in performance levels

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