
Essay On Licensing Program Plan

Decent Essays

Licensing Program Plan
Joantesse Taylor
November 19, 2017

This paper Is to be submitted on November 26,2017 for professor Lois Wachtel class EEC 3007 Early childhood Organizational Management Course.


6 weeks to 18 months (infants) 1 staff member to 4 infants
12 months to 36 months 1 staff member to 6 toddlers
24 months to 36 months 1 staff member to 8 toddlers
2 1/2 years to 3 years 1 staff member to 9 children
3 years to 4 years 1 staff member to 12 children
4 years to 5 years 1 staff member to 15children
5 years and older 1 staff member to 16 children
Mixed age group 2 1/2 years to 6 years 1 staff member to 10 children


9. Written approval from a parent or guardian for the child to partake in field trips or outings, whether walking or riding.
10. Injury and illness record.
11. Reports of serious injuries and accidents occurring during care that result in the hospitalization or death of a child.
12. Significant explanations of the child’s development.
13. A record of parent conferences, including dates of conferences and names of center staff and parents or guardians involved.
Employees Policies, Orientation, and Staff Development [Rev. eff. 05/2/17]
1. The duties and responsibilities of each staff position and the lines of authority and responsibility within the center must be in writing.
2. At the time of employment, staff members must be informed of their duties and assigned a supervisor.
3. Prior to working with children, the staff member must read and be instructed about the policies and procedures of the center, including those related to hygiene, sanitation, food preparation practices, proper supervision of children, and reporting of child abuse. Staff members must sign a statement indicating that they have read and understand the center's policies and procedures.
4. The child care center must ensure that all staff are familiar with the licensing rules governing child care centers within 90 days of employment at the center.
5. The center must have a staff development plan that includes a minimum of fifteen (15) clock

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