
Essay On Louisiana Natural Resources

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There are many different types of natural resources in Louisiana. Today I will talk about one of the natural resources. Oil is a natural resource because it occurs naturally in nature. Oil isn’t man made. It is made from the long decay of the carbon and oxygen atoms in plants and animals. It is also stored solar power. This is because of the sunlight used at the time animals and plants lived and it uses the sun’s energy.

Oil supplies thirty- four percent of the world’s energy needs. Oil is also a fossil fuel. This is because it is extracted from built-up organic material and fossils. Oil is mostly used as transportation fuel. It is also found found in many other products like fertilizers, makeup, paints, and fabrics.

Companies measure oil in barrels. Barrels are equal to forty United States gallons or one hundred fifty-nine liters. The United States has the tenth largest oil …show more content…

Fifty person of oil is used for gasoline. Forty percent is used for diesel fuel, heating oil, jet fuel, and kerosene. Oil is important because according to google, it states “ it is the single biggest of source in primary energy. Another one of Louisiana’s natural resources is salt. In the Middle Ages, salt was so expensive it was sometimes referred to as “white gold”. Only 6% of the salt used in the U.S. is used in food; another 17% is used for de-icing streets and highways in the winter months. Salt is all around us. Underground and on the earth’s surface in the dried up residues of ancient seas. Some salt has even arrived from outer space in meteors. But our biggest source of salt is in our seas and oceans. With an average of 26 million tonnes per cubic kilometre, sea water offers a seemingly inexhaustible supply which if extracted, would cover the world’s total land mass to a depth of 35

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