What is accountability and how do we as Marines uphold this value? How can we as leaders of junior Marines hold them accountable for their actions? What do we do when we cannot account for our Marines? These are the questions I will answer as we go on. Accountability what is this? Well the dictionary says accountability is the fact or condition of being accountable. It also states accountability is being responsible. So what does this really mean to Marines? This means to be where you are supposed to be when told. Accountable means someone knows where you are at any given time and they do not need to worry about you. Being responsible means you know when to wake up and get ready for work in the allotted time to make sure you are accounted for. This also means if something went wrong you know to call the person directly above you and let them know you might be late but you are on your way and safe. So how do we uphold Marines to …show more content…
So how do we as leaders do this? Well we can have our junior Marines show up to work fifteen minutes early for a morning formation to ensure they show up in time for the morning report. This way if the Marine is not in formation we as leaders still have enough time to get into contact with the junior Marine to make sure he is okay and on his way. Another way is by punishment. What I mean by this is if they continue to show up late you need to make it clear to them that this is not acceptable behavior. They need to be at their appointed place of duty with in the time given. If not they need to be punished with either paper work or make them make up the time by staying late at work the exact amount of time they were late. As leaders we have the tools available to ensure the crime fits the punishment and it is our job to hold them accountable to the crime. So what do we do if we cannot account for our
The Marines are a highly mobile amphibious attack force. Marines are trained to attack from the water and establish a beach head, an area of control on foreign soil. After the Marines take territory, other armed forces such as the US Army move in to maintain control, while the Marines move on. Marines are mobile, lightweight, and very rapid. I would compare the Marines to the head of the spear, wedging in to get a foothold and racing ahead once the land has been secured. In addition to acting as a lightweight attack force from the ocean, Marines are also perfectly capable of taking territory on land. Marines are trained for rapid deployment, and are often the first US military personnel on site. Marines also guard American embassies overseas, providing embassy security and safety. In volatile areas, being a Marine embassy guard is a very risky job.
Accountability: We will take responsibility for our work and its outcomes. Mistakes are acknowledged, not ignored or passed on, or blamed on others. We will demonstrate a personal commitment to our team members and ourselves.
The Marine Corps. Demand alertness at all times. Building the Marine’s confidence and teaching them the attitudes of group loyalty and
What also happens is people just lose things and have no idea until later when they need it. Marines lose things because of a few reasons. Probably the most common is when they are being hurried, which is pretty much 100% of the time. The other common reason is because a lot of junior Marines are young, irresponsible, and inexperienced. I’m pretty confident that most of the senior Marines here didn’t start at the level of responsibility or leadership that they are currently at, but have been through what the younger marines are going through and learned from their mistakes, and now trying to teach us so we don’t make them as much as we
If a soldier is late for a formation he is in violation of Article 86 of the UCMJ, Failure to Report to Appointed Place of Duty. The supervisor must then counsel his soldier and attempt to correct this behavior. The supervisor has a lot of latitude to decide how to punish this soldier. He can make the soldier report 30 minutes prior to the first formation for the day for five consecutive days. This would typically have him reporting at 0600 hours rather than 0630 hours. He could have him report to the Staff Duty NCO every 4 hours through the night for a specified number of days. This would take away the soldier 's time creating an unpleasent situation for that soldier.
There are very few things in the modern military of today or any military that has ever existed before our current military for that matter, that are more important than the rank structure and the the respect that is demanded of you by that rank structure. Those are two very important characteristics of every successful military unit. With added details here and there, in this essay I will mainly be discussing what respect actually is, how being respected is normally earned and in the military how it is demanded of you as a sub-ordinate to any ranks higher than you or in some cases any fellow military personnel who is more senior to you and why. On top of that I will be covering
Accountability by definition means the quality or state of being accountable; especially : an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one 's actions. Accountability stems from late Latin accomptare (to account), a prefixed form of computare (to calculate), which in turn derived from putare (to reckon). While the word itself does not appear in English until its use in 13th century Norman England, the concept of account-giving has ancient roots in record keeping activities related to governance and money-lending systems that first developed in Ancient Egypt, Israel, Babylon, Greece, and later, Rome. In the United States Marine Corps it is very important to hold yourself accountable for all actions especially true the longer you are in. To myself it refers to the obligation of an individual to report formally to his superiors for the proper discharge of his responsibility. It is the answer ability of a subordinate to render an account of his activities to his superior. The person who accepts responsibility is accountable for the performance of the assigned duties. As such being late to work is a direct violation of accountability. Forgetting ones required materials for work may seem small and harmless but overall may develop into bigger issues if not dealt with accordingly.
I as a Soldier firmly believe that accountability is highly important in the Army for these following reasons:
Accountability is everything within the Marine Corps and within the working world. Unit cohesion could not exist without accountability. Good communication could not happen without good accountability. Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines accountability as: “the quality or state of being accountable; especially: an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one's actions”
Accountability is defined by department of defense as the obligation imposed by a law or lawful order or regulation on an officer or other person for keeping an accurate record of government property, documents or funds. The numerical end product of personnel accountability process reflects the combat power of a unit.
As a soldier you want to always make a great impression on your leaders, and not being able to make it on time is not acceptable to them. It would make things run alot smootherif everyone was on time all of the time. If no one was at the right place at the right time, it would set what ever mission you have back. It also makes a negative impact on your leadership. However, I also feel that as leaders, they should also realize that things may happen with the soldiers. Whether its being late to formation, missing an appointment due to some circumstance, as long as the soldier doesn't make it a habbit then forgiveness should be granted on that instance.
-Justice: A leader should be fair, and not play favorites with Marines. It is also important a leader hands out a fair punishment to a disobedient Marine.
The importance of accountability, are being on time and in the right uniform. The main reason we have formations and that we are trying to keep account of personnel to know where everybody is at, at all times. I have learned in the past years that I have been in that being on time is the most important thing that you need to do. For one the accountability of personnel is major, it plays a big role in the deployment and the readiness of soldiers. I would have to say that I was wrong for not showing up at my appointed place of duty I should have gotten up and made it to the swimming pool. But in all things that have been done I have seen that accountability is the most important asset here for
Accountability is the obligation imposed by law or lawful order or regulation on an officer or other person for keeping accurate record of property, documents, or funds. The person having this obligation may or may not have actual possession of the property, documents, or funds. Being accountable in the United States Army is another very important aspect of being a good soldier as well.
As an individual Marine from the rank of Lance Corporal and below, it is ultimately your responsibility to take care of yourself. At the rank of Corporal and Sergeant you become more of a controller. For example, a fire team or squad leader. Staff Sergeants of Marines, as I have come to realize are more like administrators at the platoon level. And by administrator I mean several different things. From teaching a young Lieutenant and mentoring the upcoming Non-commissioned officers to holding Marines to all standards and being able to follow through with the paper work. The Gunnery Sergeant and Master Sergeant billet is where you learn the logistics of the organization. And the First Sergeants responsibility is to the entire unit. From assisting the Commanding Officer to watching out for and listening to the enlisted men of the company.