
Essay On Military Structure

Decent Essays

According to the reading, and based on the “Marines” situation or scenario, it is a very good experience that to remember, “how you can do or address any situation in your life”, in this time we can reading a military experience, but I would like to give my personal opinion about “creating structure”. However, I think that the most important and rule number one is believe on your idea or structure (map), it is the most important in your specific activity, for me it is soccer, now it is military structure, but the real important is to identify that the end is more important the end is not more important to the process, for me the “process” in all activities is the most important, I mean couches, commands, teachers and parents needs to love to an one structure, and explains to players, militaries, and children …show more content…

Maybe you are not winner, in the life you can win or lose, but this is the end, but you dedicate to work in the process do well the end is coming with success, and you cannot to arrive to success you can be very calm that you do everything for get this end, and you haven’t question about your process, when you say I do everything and I cannot to win you in part are winner because you was very loyalty to a process this is called SUCCESS. For ending to idea is important to say when you are part to the teamwork (soccer, Military, family, and company) the principles and Commitment with your process is the most important, identify that this is the map to help you a get success the one form more quick, remember the teamwork is contagious, you believe your teammates

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