
Essay On Ocean Pollution

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The carelessness of humans has horribly affected the oceanic ecosystem. Bodies of water such as oceans, lakes, rivers, and seas cover nearly 70% of the earth, which makes them a very valuable asset to the human population (Mambra 2017). Oceanic pollution has been an ongoing problem for years, but it is increasingly getting worse. Main causes of ocean pollution are ocean dumping, land runoff, oil spills, littering, ocean mining, and noise pollution. The dumping of waste into the ocean is the most common cause of ocean pollution because this has been known as the cheapest and easiest way to dispose of trash. Non-point pollution typically comes from land runoff. Land runoff brings many materials, such as automobile parts, into the oceans every day. Birds and mammals being the main victims, oil spills are a leading cause of ocean pollution. The feathers of these animals get covered in oil making it impossible for them to fly. Mining underwater is another outlet for pollution. Many miners leave their waste in the ocean which often increases the toxicity of the water, killing its inhabitants. Noise pollution, although it is …show more content…

The placement of the Ocean Dumping Act juristically changed the amount of waste that was dumped into the ocean. The Ocean Dumping Act prohibits the dumping of most wastage into the ocean with the exception of human remains, vessels, fish wastes, and dredged material, which contractors need a permit to dump. Under this act, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) now strictly regulates all waste that is dumped into the ocean (Reilly 2018). Many people have been caught dumping illegal material into the ocean by the EPA are were directed to stop immediately. The dumping of materials into oceanic waters has significantly decreased since 1972 when the act was put into

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