
Essay On PSA

Decent Essays

While making my PSA, for wealth distribution, there were a number of problems that I faced. On my PSA, I intentionally used less words and more graphs. I did this because this is a pretty intense political topic that people would likely want to avoid looking into and this topic requires a lot of information to fully grasp much understanding of it. I chose to use graphs because I felt like it showed more information in a more concise manner. Also, I felt that a visual representation would be easier to understand than a bunch of percentages and statistics. I also chose to leave my poster fairly colorless because I felt that the colorful graphs would attract enough attention to the poster and I didn’t want some background image to distract …show more content…

I really enjoyed how much freedom we got in the class, every assignment was left open ended, we were allowed to do the assignment on pretty much anything we wanted. Since the assignment topics were up to us I really don’t think I was even left stressing out about an assignment because I had the opportunity to choose a topic that I had interest in. One of the only thing I really didn’t like about the course was the use of the textbook because I felt that a lot of the information in it was pretty general information that most college freshmen should already know. I did like that there wasn’t a huge amount of pressure put onto our use of the text book though, so that it wasn’t going to be detrimental to our grade if we missed a reading assignment here or there. Also, I liked that most of the days after we had a reading we would split into groups to discuss the reading so that if there was something that we didn’t understand it could be explained to us by one of the other students in the class. I felt that the powerpoints and presentations could have replaced a lot of the text book because they were much more clear and right to the point, it didn’t have any useless filler like I felt the textbook had. I also liked that we handed in a draft and got it back before out final draft was due. The comments were always clear and showed where I could improve and what I needed to change. I feel like this took away a lot of the stress

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