
Essay On Recruiting Volunteers

Better Essays

Recruiting volunteers
Macon soccer club
Submitted to the faculty of: Middle Georgia State University
Degree of Bachelor of Science.

Submitted by
Tushia Amin
Date: 5th December 2017

Acknowledgment We would like to express our gratitude to habitat for humanity for their full support. The completion of this project would not have been possible without their help. We would also like to thank all of the soccer club members who impacted our project and experience.

Abstract A Soccer clubs which are nonprofit often struggle to recruit and retain, as these are non profit the only incentive that works to get volunteers is goodwill. This reports talks about how a nonprofit soccer club can recruit and retain volunteers by …show more content…

Humanity is a nonprofit organization that serves its community by recruiting young spirited volunteers who are interested in giving something back to the community. Habitat for humanity participates in club rushes on different college campus and later on recruits these people. There are many people around our communities who offer their time and love to volunteer. Many people want to do humanitarian work and they feel a certain pride within them after doing something for the community. Young students who are very much spirited want to give something back to the community whether it is working for some cultural events, fundraising or helping people who are in need. In order to recruit young volunteers organization will have to go to different university campuses and give students their flyers and tell them why they volunteering. To create a sustainable volunteer relationship social media such as face book can play a vital role. For instance habitat for humanity retains volunteers by sending out emails and creating a group as face book .This report mainly focuses on the methods used by are owned organization such as habitat for humanity to recruit and retain volunteers. Literature Review The organization struggles to maintain relationship with volunteer with volunteers in the United States. There has been a sharp decline of

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