
Essay On Reflection

Satisfactory Essays

Reflection 2 Even though plans and procedures are often in place to ensure that a program’s objectives are met, all too often it seems as if things do not go to plan. Prior to meeting with my mentee, my mentee, his mother, and I agreed to a contract with both Merrimack College and the Lawrence High School Upward Bound Program that my mentee and I would meet for an hour each week from mid-October to mid-December to go over the college application process. However, over the last two weeks, my mentee and I have had difficulty scheduling meeting times for a variety of reasons. For instance, during the week of October 30th, Lawrence High School was closed on Monday and Tuesday due to the regional power outage, which gave us a fewer number …show more content…

While e-mail and texts have been the most helpful for quick questions between my mentee and me, I believe that when I am trying to help my mentee with career goals, applying to college, or writing his essays, it can be harder for me to get my message across. Furthermore, when meeting in-person, my mentee and I can clarify things for each other when we do not understand a certain question, response or concern. Furthermore, I am a strong believer that face-to-face advising is the best way to establish a connection between an advisor and advisee, since there is a personal touch added that cannot be replicated through any form of technology. While I understand the number of extenuating circumstances that have made face-to-face meetings so difficult between my advisee and me, I believe that I must continue to stress the importance and benefits of our meetings, while also making sure that my advisee feels supported, even when we are unable to meet. As I was thinking about the number of meetings I have had with my mentee that needed to be postponed, I was also wondering how the Upward Bound office is checking in with their students to see how their meetings with their mentors are going. Although there is a sign-in sheet that keeps

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