
Essay On Say No To Gmos

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Say no to GMOs For years through genetic modification biotech companies have been transferring genes from one species to another. Genetic Modification strays far from traditional animal and plant breeding. GMOs have helped the production of agricultural products but have ruined the environment in the process. GM seeds are pricier than regular seeds, not sterile and have a hefty patent. Genetically modified organisms should be banned by the FDA because they allow big agriculture and biotech companies to harass and negatively affect the environment and farmers. In 1953, James Watson and Francis Crick were the first to publish their discovery of a three-dimensional double helix structure in DNA. The discovery of the double helix allowed …show more content…

Soil is greatly affected by this, healthy soil means productive agriculture. The organisms that live in the soil contribute to the health of the soil and supply essential elements for plant growth. Crops are now genetically modified to resist insects, pests and kill weeds. When the insects are killed the soil slowly becomes unhealthy and unhealthy soil means unproductive agriculture. Through genetic modification plants have been getting stronger and animals and been getting weaker. ¨Genetically Modified Food¨ state's ¨Genetically modified plants that were bred for pest resistance and hardiness have passed those genes onto weed growing fields, making them more tenacious and resistant to herbicides, so additional amounts of weed killers must be applied.¨ These crops crossbreed with other plants to create ¨superweeds” that are difficult to remove from fields (Genetically-Modified Organisms). With the addition of all of these chemicals the plant ¨immune system¨ is compromised and plant species are progressively getting weaker. ¨Genetically-Modified Organisms¨ talks of how plants modified to resist the disease Blight made the plant extremely vulnerable to all other diseases. Modifying plants is unhealthy and counterproductive if the point is to strengthen the immune system of the plant. ¨Although Genetically Engineered crops are designed to kill targeted pests, the crops may have negative

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