
Essay On Sickle Cell

Decent Essays

Karah Potter
Coach Harris
Human A&P
September 27,2017

Sickle Cell Disorder
Sickle Cell is an inherited form of an abnormal red blood cell disorder. Sickle cell anemia is when your body produces abnormal hemoglobin (hemoglobin S) which is found in red blood cells. The abnormally shaped red blood cells are shaped in a crescent like form, this makes them sticky and rigid and prone to getting trapped in small vessels, which blocks blood flow to important parts of the body, this is how Sickle cell got its name. Sickle cell anemia occurs when a person inherits two abnormal copies of the hemoglobin gene, which is found in chromosome 11 in both parents. Hemoglobin or Haemoglobin is the iron-containing oxygen-transport metalloprotein in the red blood cell of all vertebrates as well as the tissues of some invertebrates. There are seven different types of sickle cell.
Symptoms of Sickle Cell are severe …show more content…

Sickle Cell Anemia, is the most common disease in which it occurs in children who get the disease from both parents who have the gene, sickle cell anemia is when your body produces abnormal hemoglobin (hemoglobin S) which is found in red blood cells this form of sickle cell is common of those with African and Indian descent.Sickle Hemoglobin-C(SC), most commonly found in those of West African, Mediterranean and Middle Eastern descent; individuals with Sickle Hemoglobin-C disease(SC) have both hemoglobin C and hemoglobin S which have similar symptoms as Sickle Cell Anemia but less anemia due to a higher blood count.Sickle Beta-Plus Thalassemia, found in those of Mediterranean and Caribbean descent. Sickle Beta-Plus Thalassemia contain substitutions in both beta global genes. When no beta global is produced symptoms are almost identical to Sickle Cell Anemia, with severe cases individuals needing chronic blood transfusions. Sickle Hemoglobin-D Disease commonly found in those with Asian and Latin American

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