Not too long ago when an adult looked at a teenager or a young adult that they would see someone powerless with little to no rights to do what they wanted, but this simply isn’t the case anymore. Teenagers and young adults have the major influence in the world today they influence culture, communication, technology and most importantly other teens. More than ever before teens have control over more than their own mind, they get to choose not only what is popular, but also where our technology advances to and how we communicate. There are people that argue that social media is bad and that we simply shouldn’t have it and while these people are way in the minority now, they do still exist. There is a downside to social media ordinarily “teens now spend up to nine hours a day on social platforms” (Asano). The fact that we spend so much time on social media can definitely be a downside nevertheless it's not necessarily bad. Social media as a whole has changed how we communicate with each other all over the world. It used to be that we had to write letters or go straight to someone's door and talk to them, that changed when the telephone was invented, then people could simply dial a number and be connected to whoever they wanted. Now the preferred method of contacting someone is through texting or social media. Teens now prefer rather than using the actual messaging app on their phone to contact someone through their phone number to use Instagram, Snapchat and sometimes
As much as social media has managed to ruin our society, it plays a positive role for the public as well. Social media allowed people to use their networks as a form of reaching out to old friends and family across the world. With America being known as the melting pot of the world, our society has several people with family on the other side of the Earth. With social media in effect, this permits people to stay in touch with long lost loved ones and keep ties tight. Not only has it sanctioned friends and family to keep in touches but has granted people to relocate birth parents and unknown family members as well. Yes, social media has failed our society greatly but there is always a rainbow somewhere after a rainy day. Social media can play a positive role by bringing people back together.
Many of us have access to the Internet and social networking sites these days. They have become essential in day-to-day life. However, there has been much controversy over teenagers having access social networking sites. Imagine your daughter or son is being bullied on Facebook or Myspace to the point that they attempt or succeed in killing themselves because of social destruction. People are not aware of the pros and cons of social networking. Does the negatives outweigh the positives of social networking? Should teenagers be banned from social networking sites?
With the rise of technology and opportunity, social media has become the epicenter for teenagers and college students to express and connect with others through pictures, videos, and personal content. According to a new study from Pew Research Center (2015), 92% of teens report going online daily – including 24% who say they go “online constantly.” As more teens “go online,” teenagers’ self-esteem and social comparison are impacted with the rising use of social media platforms, like Facebook, in both negative and positive ways. In the same study, Pew Research Center (2015) found that Facebook remains the most used social media site among American teens with 71% of all teens using the site. However, a study done by Amy L. Gonzales and Jeffrey T. Hancock found that in many cases Facebook can actually have a positive effect on self-esteem and social comparison.
Various individuals long for a time when technology did not take over the world. For teenagers, it is difficult to imagine a life without the World Wide Web and its countless perks at their fingertips. Social media consumes young lives more than any other form of technological advancement. Social media has a few pros, but also its fair share of cons.
How does social media usage by teenagers and young adults affect academic performance, attitude towards school, and concept of identity?
Most people believe that social messaging is more of a benefit than a consequence, but using social media can actually be harmful. Social media is something most kids, teens, and even some adults are using all the time. It has become a part of our generation’s lives. Having people on their phones all day long is not only disappointing, but also damaging. Instead of talking to someone face-to-face and hanging out, people prefer just texting or going on a social network. For some people understanding a life without social media is near impossible. Using social media can have some adverse effects such as: it causes cyberbullying, it can compromise education, and it could have an effect on social skills.
Social media has both positive and negative effects. However, I feel as though the positive outweigh the negative. So many people benefit from social media including businesses, students, and distant friends. Although, when not used intelligently social media can be a destructive thing. Social media users should know the risks of social media and educate themselves. Overall social media is a positive thing that has made
Did you know social media can change you? Social media can cause problems with your health? In the article, “Student examines negative effects of social media on teens” by Aurelie Krakowsky and “The Upside of Selfies: Social media isn’t all that bad for kids” by Kelly Wallace talks about social media, but clearly it’s harmful to people. Social media is for people to enjoy on a daily basis and be updated on what is happening in the world; however it can be harmful to your health and even your education. It can lower kids self esteem and make them feel uncomfortable about themselves. It can also cause health issues and distant yourself from the people around you.
Technology has been involved in people’s lives forever, especially in the Millennial Generation. This generation consists of individuals born between the years of 1982-2004. The articles “The Flight From Conversation,” “Teens and Technology 2013,” and “Leading The Charge For Change” deals with teens interacting with technology today.Each article has different topics, but they connect through the over dependence of teens to technology. The Millennial Generation becomes less and less in touch with the real world and morphs into a quasi-reality.
Have you ever had a good or bad experience with social media? Have you ever been a part of a protest that was started on social media? I think that social media is a good thing because you can have so much fun on it and even make friends on in. Without that you would be limited to the kids in your neighborhood and in some places there are not a lot of kids that you can make friends with or they do not live close so you have to drive there. That is all fixed with social media. Like recently I have found some friends on social media that I play games with. They are super nice and without social media I would have never had that experience I would have to play be myself all the time and have no one to talk to. But now I have the chance to make friends and have fun with them even tho they live far away. Also colleges and most jobs look at your social media account to see what kind of person you are and if you are able to work so not only can you have fun but you can also potentially make money from it and you can make friends. Things like Facebook are so convenient to talk with friends or family without that we would need to call them and that is just so much harder to do then
Social media has been a topic of debate for years. Some people are strongly against any use of it while others like the instant connection it provides. A major concern over social media is the lasting effects it has on teenagers. Social media can affect teenagers through many ways including things like their self-esteem. Cyberbullying is a raging topic of discussion centered around teens social media use. It can also effect their people skills and create a lack of community involvement. Some parents think that watching what their children do on social media is an invasion of privacy but is your concern for their privacy greater than your concern for their safety? Social media poses a great danger to today’s children. It can affect many aspects of their lives.
Social media is extremely addictive as it provides immediate and satisfying rewards (through the release of hormones) with very little effort. Your brain automatically begins to crave it more and more as you desire these chemical stimulations. Sounds like a drug right? Some studies even show that around 5%-10% of users find it difficult to control the amount of time they spent online and literally cannot log off. So although social media stimulates our brain and sends chemicals that make us feel great - it’s harmful to our real life relationships and distances us from the connections we have around us, often times becoming a distraction to young people which can deter them from their schoolwork and affect their ability to interact with people face to face.
Children and adolescents are capable of impacting their communities and even the world in amazing
Social media is one of the most common ways for people to communicate anywhere and at any time in modern society. Some people think that it is beneficial to have in society. Although, many people are starting to see negative effects arise from the use of social media as well. These negative effects are increasing and becoming more problematic every day. The disadvantages of social media far outweigh the advantages. Social media effects everyone in society, especially teenagers by negatively impacting their lives, face-to-face interactions, and mental health.
Studies have shown that the average person now spends more time each day on their phone and computer than they do sleeping according to Nick McGillivray (“What are the Effects of Social Media on Youth?). Social has become part of our social society, especially for the many youths. There are positives to being on social media and also equal amounts of danger that come with using social networking sites, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. These social networking sites also have effects on today’s youth by altering the way they behave, the way they learn, in not only a classroom setting but also in the real world setting, and the way that they socialize with their peers and others.