
Summary Of How Yoga, Meditation Benefit The Mind And Body

Decent Essays

In the article entitled “How yoga, meditation benefit the mind and body”, Maria Cohut reveals the advantages of yoga to the mind and body based on a study conducted by Dr. B Rael Cahn. She highlighted some of the significance of yoga and meditation mainly about the ability to recover from stress and boosting overall well-being. This paper will review Maria’s opinion and will assess the quality of her writing as well as aiming on any areas of weakness within her article. Summary
The article emphasize on the affect of yoga and meditation in improving resilience plus the possible advantages to the nervous system of human body. Maria had listed a few title of article which point out the importance of yoga and meditation in the beginning of the article to give a clear picture that the …show more content…

However, the article is insufficient with some information which is needed to give a clear picture of yoga and meditation. Not giving an introduction about yoga and meditation is the major fault because it is possible that the reader could be with zero percent of knowledge on this topic. Furthermore, Maria just stated the types of yoga and meditation which are frequently practised by the participants and this is very hazardous if the readers with back pain do some of the yoga. Indeed, one of the affected victim stated that, “ there are also some negative effects or side effects of yoga which are in the form of physical injury mostly of the yoga poses are not performed with proper supervision. If certain poses of yoga such as hatha yoga are not performed in the right sequence then they may result in gastric problems and may even cause nausea and discomfort in the stomach. Metal instability is also one of the negative effects of practicing yoga excessively or not practicing it correctly which may result in panic attacks, homicidal urges and suicidal patterns”.( G M on August 25, 2011 at

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