

Decent Essays

I agree with Pacificus because the authority is given to the executive to preserve the peace in the nation, yet Overall I agree with the idea that the president’s power should not be limited for he is representing the entire nation.

This debate demonstrates the certain cases will contradict the original meaning of the Constitution.

They are similar in that they agree that the The debates are different in that they disagree that the President should not have the complete power to start war.

His argument echoes Madison’s in that they agree that
His argument echoes Hamilton’s in that they agree that the President has the authority and duty to at given times take
Yes, I do agree with the opinion because I believe that the President …show more content…

This case falls in the second category since the Executive acted without Congressional authorization. I think Justice Jackson would have decided that President Carter did have the right to take the action that he did because it was a necessary action required by the President for the determination of the foreign policy debate.

No, it is not unconstitutional because the President has the authority to use military for the defense of the nation, specific constitutional approval, and in emergency matters and the President has some type of approval.

Yes, it is unconstitutional because the President only has the authority to use military for the defense of the nation, specific constitutional approval, and in emergency matters and needs some type of congressional approval.

Yes, the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution constitutionally authorize that the President take necessary decisions and steps for defense assistance and to engage in hostilities in Vietnam.

The 2001 AUMF authorizes the use of armed force when being attacked by enemies as self-defense or prevention. The countries that the President can use force against are the countries responsible for the September 11, 2001 attack. The countries are al-Qaida, Taliban and associated nations. The authorization does not have an end date; it is meant to until there is no longer a threat to the national security of the United States.

It is a good and acceptable thing because it is The

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