Controlled Assessment Task Unit 3 part a: Understanding Written Text Explore the ways the writer presents relationships between characters in the text you have studied. ESSAY PLAN intro – what I will be writing about, state author and title of 7 stories, expand on author and brief about his characters and island life section on relationships character, family, husband and wife, immediate family (son/daughter), friends, community, outsiders, animals eg, horse items eg, spade write about language similes, metaphors, factual, poetic, powerful short sentences, humour, narrative, dialogues *** use lots of …show more content…
Unfortunately further along in the story Howie has to go to war and meets his demise. As the postman delivers the terrible news to Howie's family via a telegram, all the villages see the postman on his journey. Nothing is ever really spoken but the community is united in their grief – 'Through the window she (Betsey) could see people moving towards the croft from all over the valley. 'he news had got round, The mourners were gathering.' A further example of community spirit and relationships is highlighted in The Paraffin Lamp. Old Thomas is away in hospital and the villagers rally together and arrange to have electricity installed in his home whilst he is on the mainland. They are looking after their own and helping each other in any way they can, small or large. They want to make life that little bit easier for Thomas when he returns home. He has no living relatives; his family is the community and they take it upon themselves to look after him, whether he wishes it or not. Friendship is also a very important relationship for the Islanders. Friendships tend to be lifelong as Islanders of this time are more likely to stay where they were born and have general mistrust for outsiders and 'town folk'. I have had personal experience of this when I first went to my husband-to-be village. I had only been there one night and the
The friendships and relationships formed and broken by characters and how they impacted on others at the time was a big part of the read. More
Analyze characters settings, events, and ideas as they develop and interact within a particular context
Brown's attack on Harper's Ferry affected American culture more than can ever be understood. Tension between the North and South was building in the 1850's. Slavery among many other things was dividing the country into two sections. Brown was executed on December 2, 1859 for his murderous out-lash on society. Was his mind so twisted and demented that he would commit cold-blooded murder? The answer is no. John Brown was a man with a goal and a purpose. When he said that abolition could not be achieved without blood he was right. It is one of histories great ironies; John Brown's struggle preceded the Civil War by only 17 months. Thousands of people were killed in the Civil War, yet John Brown
In the book Seedfolks, a character named Kim travels to vacant lot in her town, Cleveland Ohio, to plant Lima Beans to honor her father, who passed away before Kim was even born. While Kim is in the process of planting her beans and watering them daily, people around the vacant lot being to notice her actions . Many people follow what Kim is doing and make there own little garden, which causes the community of Cleveland to be together and to communicate to one another. Throughout the book many character come and go to the garden, and each character shares something in common with someone else apart of this Community Garden. The novel Seedfolks shows that the garden has change everyone’s perspectives on things, and made them feel apart of something they might have never been apart of before. Some people that are involved are KIm, Ana, Sae Young, Maricela, and Curtis.
In the skillful novel, "How To Read Literature Like A Professor" by Thomas C. Foster, there is neither a protagonist nor antagonist. As a whole, the novel gives insights on how to pick up signs of symbolism, irony, and many other hidden details that are buried within the words of literature. Foster refers to many classis novels by classic authors to demonstrate the use of logic in writing. The novel is extremely educational, leaving many insightful questions and interpretations to the reader's opinion.
In the book Seedfolks by Paul Fleischman there are many different characters, and even some of them cross paths. A community garden was started in Cleveland Ohio just by one person therefore everyone follows. They all learn how to get along with other people, how to not stereotype so much, and how to depend on each other in their community. All of them struggle with something, whether it's with family, friends, or feeling stereotyped. They learn the importance of a community, and realize how much they really depend on each other. Seedfolks shows that having a community is important for all people to incorporate diversity, culture,and unique stories into their lives. You don't realize how much people depend on their community until its gone. The importance of a community is shown through the characters and shown by how they act, what they say, overall how they are perceived by other people.
During the text-based discussion, the student will discuss what the main character in the story said, looked like, acted like, and felt like.
When taking English Composition 2 I have learned various things that I can carry through with me throughout the rest of my academic and social life. The class English Composition 2 touched on the components of character, setting, short story, drama, and poetry. With each section and a lecture on each section I have taken away a piece away from each section, one thing that is for sure I will never read literature the same after this class. When talking about character we looked into the story Gorilla My Love and how the story is told through the eyes of a young black girl named Hazel. Concluding from this section of the class I learned that if the characters were to be different characters the story would change as whole. When looking deeper into the concept of setting as a class we had the opportunity to learn how to depict where the setting is, and learn how the setting can make a difference in any type of literature. For the concept of short stories as a student I looked deeper into the story of 20/20. After, a struggle on the topic of short stories I learned the different compontes that go into and are used in making a short story. For an example, the story 20/20 uses the model Freytag’s Pyramid to tell the story line. The component of Drama happened to be my favorite component of the class. I
2. Briefly write the historical and cultural contexts of each story. When and where do they take place? What hints, references, or details do the authors give to let you know the time and place of each story, and/or the cultural background of the characters? Be as specific and concise as possible.
Henry Wise, governor of Virginia is faced with an impossible choice. Now that the courts have condemned John Brown to death for his charges of” “treason, murder and inciting a slave insurrection,” (Davidson 148) he is torn between condemning the violence, granting a pardon to prevent more violence, or thirdly, granting a pardon on the account of his insanity. Many citizens of Virginia feared that Mr Brown was a precursor to the imminent onslaught of northern abolitionist “fanatics” and threatened to lynch Brown if he was freed. Other northern abolitionists threatened to assemble an army to free Brown from the prison; in the words of Fernando Wood, mayor of New York City, his death would create a “martyr whose execution would only deepen passions
Understanding great works of literature can be fairly difficult without the knowledge of analyzing them. How
Community is built of two main elements. First, community requires communal caring. Members need to put themselves in positions where they are able to relate to other members and does everything “within reasonable limits of self-sacrifice” (65). The second is communal reciprocity. Individuals will serve other members of the community, not for exchange of goods, but to provide generosity and support. These elements of community appear in the lives of all individuals, even the most capitalist ones. Humans are entirely capable of these.
Initially, of course, Nathaniel Hawthorne’s literary works went unranked among those of other American and British writers. But his reputation grew gradually even among contemporary critics, until he was recognized as a “man of genius.”
This article reassures the reader that Brown was given many chances to return home safe. Instead, he decided to take a different path, which filled his life with darkness. Also, Brown was never encouraged to enter the dark forest of sin, but rather to satisfy his curiosity about the happening there and perhaps even to take part in them. As a result of entering the forest Brown encounters himself with a man who appears to represent the devil. Several times the man tells Brown he is free to go back home, but brown feels intrigue by the devil and decides to follow him.
Purpose: To help students better understand characters actions and motivates through character’s traits, within a story.