
Ethical Decision Making Assignment

Decent Essays

Gurwinder Singh
Professor Denniston
Ethics of Engagement

We all end up at a point where we have to respond to an issue positively. That is possible when a good amount of experience to certain situations is attained. “The creed which accepts as the foundation of morals 'utility' or the 'greatest happiness principle' holds that actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness; wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness” - John Stuart Mill. This particular quote refers to the utilitarian approach which states that in all our actions we must always strive to produce the greatest possible balance of good or evil. The utilitarian …show more content…

Whenever we weigh the pros and cons of a particular action, we are fundamentally engaged in a type of utilitarian calculus. According to Mill's a rule utilitarian would maintain that instead of each individual acting to bring about the greatest amount of good over evil, everyone should follow those rules that would be beneficial for all. Finishing up my work and then devoting some time to help him kept me from doing poor on my quiz.

On the other hand Immanuel Kant's principle of morality was involved with my decision. I always try to respond to a situation by putting myself in someone else’s shoes before making a critical decision. After my colleague requested me for some help I did not want to deny and cause him to fail. If I were to be in a similar situation I would also ask someone to help me for a better understanding. If someone denied the help I would feel unaccepted and think of that individual as being selfish. I wouldn't want someone to be having that kind of perspective towards me. I wanted to respect his need and kind request.

My decision was also made in terms of Carol Gilligan. I weighed certain consequences that I would have to go through. I was also attentive towards my families demanding of good grades. I evaluated the priorities at stakes. I wanted to help him have a better understanding of the topic. I also evaluated the consequences he would have to go through. I thought of

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