
Ethical Identity Essay

Decent Essays

Ethical Identity
Growing as an ethical practitioner The opportunity to participate, practice, and process experiences in field placement encourages growth and development as an ethical practioner. In order to reach goals and ensure progress as a School Social Worker, I have identified tasks and activities for each practice behavior included in the competency for ethical identify. Developing professionally over the semester will afford opportunities to; learn through observation, apply coursework concepts to “real-life” situations and practice skills in a safe place where it is okay to learn from trial and error. There is much to be learned from gaining experiences and being exposed to authentic situations and scenarios. Taking advantage of these growing …show more content…

In the field of Social Work, practitioners much accept uncertainty and acknowledge that obscure situations and incidences will arise. How one responds and addresses these equivocal situations is key. For example, as a School Social Worker I am learning that it is exceptionally imperative to view each child as an individual, who emcompassess different trains and has experienced a different past. Each of the these entities plays a crucial role in how that child thinks, feels and behaves. What works for one student will not always work for another which often resides in leaving situations unclear and uncertain. Using data driven practices and professional best practices in order to drive decision making, will alleviate confusion and allow professionals to make guided and reflective conclusions while maintaining the child’s best interest. It is to be expected that ambiguous situations will arise frequently and consistently. Taking advantage of occasions to practice ethical decision making during field placement will be beneficial to me as a future Social

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