
Capital Punishment In Canada Essay

Decent Essays

Capital punishment has been around since the eighteenth century, but it ceases to exist in the modern era for countries like Canada. Canada’s death penalty law was instated in 1759, but later abolished in 1976 (Statistics Canada).Along with being an extremely controversial topic, capital punishment has been sought to be safer for crime victims, cheaper and a better deterrent than prisons. However when looking at the facts it can be argued that the death penalty not only decreases crime rates and costs less, it is simply morally wrong.
Victims of crime are often in fear that their attacker may return again, so this makes victims believe that it is safer for the attacker to be gotten rid of permanently. This is only because people who have been hurt severely, whether it be physical or emotional, are not always thinking with a clear mind set. Places without capital punishment have lower crime rates than places with it. When Canada’s death penalty was abolished in the 1750, crime rates have been declining at a constant rate. The homicide rate per 100 000 people in 2009 (Canada) was reported to have been 1.81 compared to the homicide rate of 3.o in 1970 (Statistics Canada). The lower the crime rates, the …show more content…

Although keeping someone in a prison may cost a lot, sentencing someone to death is not cheap as well. It has actually been proven that the death penalty is more expensive than a prison sentence. This is because the trails for death penalties are long, and very complicated. In order to go through with the death penalty you need to have more experts, double the amount of attorneys and there will be a trial for guilt and a separate one for punishment. The criminal on death row is also held in a high security prison (Top Ten Pros and Cons). Though the death penalty may sound simple, it is much more complicated currently then it was multiple years

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