
Ethics Of The United Parcel Service Essay

Decent Essays

Ethics In today 's world where multi-billion dollar corporations can have such a strong force and presence over the world, It 's important that these companies take some social responsibility. Ethics should play a strong role in how a company behaves and performs its services. The United Parcel Service have taken no exception to that rule. UPS was actually ranked as one of The world 's most ethical companies by Ethisphere Institute for the tenth year in a row. That 's quite an achievement for such a large corporation to accomplish in today 's age. In fact Chief Compliance Officer for UPS, Mohammad Azam stated “At UPS, operating as an ethical company means doing what we say we will do, in business conduct, in our impact on the environment and in how we touch the lives of people in the communities where we live and work. Operating with high ethical standards internationally is part of the culture of UPS and this commitment is shared throughout our organization,” .(UPS pressroom) Strong statements such as this are ideal for large companies because it shows this philosophy is engrained in the fabric of the company itself, you want the least important, to the most important employees to all follow this ethical code. UPS has an official Ethical code of conduct on its company website that delivers 50 pages of rules and guidelines that UPS expects every employee to work by. A company that does this shows they care about its employees and its customers This is not to say UPS

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