ETIOLOGY OF DEPRESSION Etiology of depression Depression can be defined as a typical mental issue that give discouraged disposition, less interest or delight, diminished energy levels, sentiments of blame or low self-esteem, disturbed appetite or sleep, and poor focus in daily life matters. Symptoms of anxiety and insomnia are closely associated with term depression. Depression can be categorized as “ Mental illness” because it severely affects the state of human’s mind and propose hurdles and obstacles in daily life matters. Problems associated with depression can become chronic or acute which can cause significant impairments in a person’s life and can hinder the ability to perform his or her daily activities and responsibilities. Even from a pessimistic standpoint, depression can prompt suicide. Just about 2 million lives are lost yearly because of suicide, which means 4000 suicides happen consistently. For each individual who finishes a suicide, 20 or more may endeavor to end his or her life. In simple words depression is more than simply feeling dismal or experiencing a tough situation. It 's a genuine emotional well-being condition that obliges comprehension, treatment and a decent recuperation arrangement. With right on time discovery, determination and a treatment arrangement comprising of pharmaceutical, psychotherapy and way of life decisions, numerous individuals show signs of improvement. Yet left untreated, dejection can be wrecking, both for the individuals
Depression- the most diagnosed mental illness in the world- is also the most misunderstood. Depression?a sad or discontented mood?can leave a person feeling lethargic, unmotivated, or hopeless, and in some cases ? contemplate suicide. Unfortunately, depression usually begins as high levels of anxiety and with exposure to trauma in children. Higher levels of anxiety or exposure to stress-inducing and traumatic situations as a child could mean an increased risk of depression as an adult. Although a serious mental illness all over the world in
Clinical Depression is a serious common neurological disorder that can affect anyone from the adolescents to the elderly. Clinical Depression affects the mood, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and symptoms could become severe if left untreated. Clinical Depression is widespread and common, but also misunderstood and we should be well informed on the causes, effects, and treatments of depression.
Depression is a disorder that can be caused by many factors. Stress, medication, other medical illnesses, and personality traits can all contribute to depression, but the most common cause, however, is heredity ( 1). These are all theorized guesses as to what causes clinical depression. The actual cause has not yet been resolved ( 1). It is considered that usually more than one factor causes the disorder ( 2).
Major depression is a commonly diagnosed psychological disorder affecting individuals’ ability to feel happiness and peace of mind. Those who suffer experience negative emotions, lack of motivation, changes in behaviour and dysfunctional cognitive symptoms. Depression is classified by the Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders Fifth Edition (DSM-5) as five of more of the listed symptoms present persistently over the same two weeks. One of these symptoms must be depressed mood or loss of interest in previously pleasurable activities. Depression causes disruption to typical daily life such as inability to maintain friendships and jobs. Other symptoms outlined by the DSM-5 include; insomnia, fatigue and recurrent thoughts of death. There is much debate over what exactly causes depression. Biological explanations question hereditary and neurotransmitter factors. While psychological theories include the cognitive ideas of Beck’s negative triad and hopelessness theory. This essay will focus on the ways in which psychological and biological explanations contrast and how their theories can overlap to better understand depression.
Depression is a health condition that can affect a person emotionally and physically. Untreated, depression can even lead to suicide, which is the third-leading cause of death among people under the age of 18 (“Antidepressant Drugs” 1). Depression
Everyone will have a sad moment in their life, whether it is a death, a friend betraying he or she, or not getting accepted to the college of his or her choice. Depression can be described with many different words, but it will come down to sadness. People who live with depression will see lack of joy, energy, and happiness. They will not enjoy life, or living. They see it as pointless and useless. Many people will have a depressing moment at some point in their lifetime. The people who develop depression do not have to be poor or unsuccessful. They can be making millions a year and still be depressed, showing that money and success does not guarantee happiness. To be able to fully understand what depression is, one will need to know the
Depression is one of common mental disorders. World Health Organisation (WHO) (2015) has estimated that depression affects 350million people of all ages worldwide. Depression has been seen as the leading cause of disability and the overall global burden of disease. People who are suffering from depression experience a constant feeling of sadness or loss of interest and pleasure in doing things they used to enjoy for at least two weeks along with other possible symptoms such as insomnia, irritability, poor or increased appetite, weight gain or loss, loss of energy, feelings of worthlessness, difficulty concentrating, difficulty in making decisions, and recurrent thoughts of death or suicide (King, Davison, Neale & Johnson, 2007, p.231). In New Zealand, it has been estimated that one in six people experience serious depression at some time in their life. Depression has also been recognised as the most common risk factor for suicide behaviour (The Health Promotion Agency, n.d.). Globally, over 800 000 people commit suicide and die every year (WHO, 2015).
The severity of depression has been supported through scientific evidence that indicates that depression has a biological basis in the brain of a depressed person along with psychological and social implications. Whilst there are many catalysts in a person’s life that can be identified as a possible root cause of depression, such as stressful life events or the death of a loved one, the issue is far more complex, as the biological triggers of depression are not as easily expressed, such as faulty mood regulation in the brain, vulnerable genetics in the DNA, and other medical problems. Many things are altered in the brain of the depressed person. Firstly, what most understand to be an imbalance in the levels of chemicals that regulate emotions, is in reality far more elaborate. The true issue surrounding the many chemicals involved inside and outside of the nerve cells that undergo numerous chemical reaction which make up the dynamic system that is responsible for mood, perceptions, and the way one experiences life you experiences life can be altered in different ways that affect how one lives. Along with the brains chemicals, the connections between nerve cells called neurons decrease and deteriorate, meaning the
Sadness is how the human being reacts to the loss of a loved one, the struggles of life, the disappointments, and the frustrations. Although it is a normal feeling in all these situations, there is a broad difference between being sad and being depressed. Unlike normal feelings of sadness, depression overwhelms a person, last a long time, and interferes with his or her day-to-day life. According to the World Health Organization in 2010, depression was reported as the most common mental disorder; it affects 120 million people globally and is among the leading causes of disability. The person that suffers from depression has to deal with being misunderstood and under-diagnosed on a daily basis, which leaves the patient with physical,
Depression comes in an extremely wide range of forms, some of which are: psychological (major) depression, clinical depression, and manic-depression (bipolar disorder). Each form of depression acts in it's own way and has it's own symptoms and treatments. Every type of depression, if left untreated, could lead to an attempted suicide or death.
Depression have become a major problem in our society today. People who haven’t experience depression will not understand how it feel and what it can do to a person. Many people also doesn’t understand what depression is, or how it can related to suicidal ideation. In fact, studies have documented that the majority of young suicide victims had depression at the time of death and most suicide survivors were diagnosed with symptoms of clinical depression at the time of their attempt (Mojs, Biederman, Głowacka, Strzelecki, Ziemska, Samborski 2015). It can affect anyone, from young adolescents to college students to the elderly people. There are many reasons that can make someone have major depression. Such as financial problems, family problems, social problems, school, work, etc. These stressors in our daily life can cause anxiety which can increase our stress level significantly, which then can lead to depression. A research said that anxiety disorder have a high comorbidity with depression and that anxiety occur prior to the onset of depressive disorders in many individuals (Batterham, Christensen, Calear 2013). People who experience depression must find way to cope with depression and know how to get help in order to prevent suicidal ideation. The people surroundings, friends and family, must also find ways to recognize the symptoms of depression, and show understandings in order to help those suffering. This research project will help people understand more about
Depression has numerous causes and effects which affect not only the person but the people around them. Depression doesn’t have a specific cause; in most cases it’s different for everyone. It is a common, treatable mental illness that can be experienced at any time in life. It is often described with feeling sad, unhappy, miserable, or “down in the dumps”. Most people have these feelings on occasion. There are several types of depression. These different types of depression describe slight, but often important, diagnostic differences. True clinical depression interferes with mood disorder in everyday life for weeks, months, or even years. Most people think depression affects only one
Depression is a medical illness that affects negatively the way an individual feels, thinks, and acts. MDD occurs when a person goes through extreme sadness for an extended period. The symptoms of MDD vary from mild to severe. A person feels sad and depressed, loses interest in activities, feels worthless, and starts having suicidal thoughts. MDD affects a person’s life as it impacts a person’s mood and behavior as well as sleep and appetite. People with MDD lose interest in activities, develop poor concentration and loss of energy. These problems become embedded in an individual and make it difficult for them to cope with everyday responsibilities. MDD is a common mental disorder in the United States. Some individuals do not seek treatment, but those who seek treatment get better through medications and psychotherapy. The precise cause of MDD has not been identified, but several factors increase a person’s vulnerability to the condition. These factors include alcohol and drug abuse, stressful medical diagnosis such as cancer, and medications such as steroids. Different schools of thought have developed their own theories to answer why people become depressed.
Everybody goes through tough times in their lives where they may be sad and or upset. It 's a part of what it means to be human. People usually rebound from the way they are feeling and go on to continue with their lives, but some people get “trapped” and remain in a constant slump. People with depression aren 't able to rebound, sort of like how if you pull a spring far apart enough, it won’t go back into its original shape. This is what physicians call depression. You may even know or have known people that are or were suffering from this horrible psychological disease. (MHI) Researchers and doctors may have various treatments and techniques to help cure patients with depression. However, not enough is being done to prevent and treat depression in individuals, and more has to be done to raise awareness in the public 's perception about this health crisis issue.
Depression is the most common of all psychological disorders, affecting 100 million people worldwide. The depression ranges from mild feelings of uneasiness, sadness, and apathy to intense suicidal despair. (Kasschau) If left untreated, it could lead the