
Eugene Onegin Essay

Decent Essays

A classic example of the principle that women mature faster than men, courtesy of an early 19th century (male) Russian author …

A tremendous explosion of emotion, of pain intermingled with joy is what transpires at the end of Onegin, since there is an acknowledgment of a frustrated yet genuine and abiding love on both characters’ parts. Pushkin’s Eugene Onegin travels throughout the world only to discover that what is most precious in it is the modest, shy Tatiana’s heart—which he had arrogantly set aside years ago in order to pursue his vain and false ambitions. His final effort to woo Tatiana is no base attempt to seduce a married woman, but a cathartic, necessary atonement for his earlier haughty dismissal of her. At long, long last the young woman’s heartbreaking love letter—heartbreaking for her, in time for Onegin, forever for readers—gets the commensurate response from its original recipient it deserves. Tatiana’s rejection of his overtures has little to do with revenge, but is the ultimate validation of her character and worth. A physical relationship between the two is not just unthinkable since she is now married to a fine man, but as a result of Onegin’s responsibility over what happened to her sister and …show more content…

From almost every standpoint—musical, dramatic, choreographic—Act I is superior to the other two; but the centerpieces of the ballet are the respective pas de deux that close the outer acts. It is a tribute to the choreographer that he came up with such an accomplished equivalent in terms of dance for Tchaikovsky’s great letter scene; and Act III’s pas de deux is incredibly powerful and haunting because it is the actualization, the eventual fulfillment of Tatiana’s dream at the conclusion of the first

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