
Eulogy: My Godfather

Decent Essays

There are many people in my life that means great significant to me but one of the people that has had a great encounter on me is my to him being a dedicated worker to his two jobs but also to him taking care of his family and friends at the time of need but also, he has a great impact on the children in the community. He is a helpful young man to me and to top it off he understands and listens to everyone needs he is only 33 but has the wisdom and capability is beyond understandable As I go to school I watch and see him daily get up early morning and get off late night to his job he has two jobs that he works one at beaufort county bus supervisor he also isn’t only my godfather but is my co worker also we work at the funeral home he was one of the reasons I got my place at the funeral home now and we love it at any time of the day or night he receive …show more content…

He not only has time for family but also time for the community to he uses the bus at the times he drive them as a opportunity to influence the kids to go to church get a relationship with god and he makes sure his children are in church he makes sure that if anyone around the community needs anything at any times he tries his best to help them. Not only do he do these things but he also makes sure that when he give he gives from the heart he don’t look for nothing in return. He fuss at me all the time because he sees so much potential that I don’t see he talks and walk as a man should carry himself he leads and direct with the knowledge that was given to him he doesn’t let his past determine his future he was needed with a gift to keep going on and he always the children around him to see that in him to no matter what life throws at him he has a determine mind to see what’s his reward and keep going. He also reminds the kids that they have to have self

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