Everybody dies; it’s a natural cycle of life. Some deaths can be good while others are bad, but everyone wants to die a peaceful and painless death. For some of those dying of a terminal illness, a peaceful death isn’t an option. These dying people should get to decide how they want to end their life; it should not get chosen for them. They are the only ones living their life and experiencing their accomplishments and downfalls. To have someone choose how they should die can make their life seem pointless. If they have a decision on the matter of their life, they should get to choose how it ends. For the terminally ill, euthanasia should be an option in the United States.
According to the American Journal of Psychiatry, the terminally ill patients who asked to die suffered from depression. This is treatable through therapy and medication, which makes euthanasia a bad option (O’Steen). This makes euthanasia similar to suicide, to some people. Why should we help them die when we can cure them and make their life better? Euthanasia is not suicide; it is the act of painlessly killing a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease and is not as similar to suicide as some people may think (NHS Choices). For instance, people who are suicidal still have a lot to look forward to. There is hope for the suicidal through medication. Antidepressants can help a suicidal person feel better, and medication often balances their brains. Suicidal people also have family and friends
Humans should have the right to choose the time of their death and the way they can do that is using Physician Assisted Suicide, or PAS. One reason why I agree with PAS is that it could be too painful for someone who is struggling with an illness to continue their life. Brittany Maynard, a 29 year old woman who had terminal brain cancer, decided to end her life with PAS. As stated in an interview posted on cnn.com, Maynard felt herself getting sicker and sicker everyday. And so, she had to result to PAS as a way to release that emotional and physical pain her terminal illness had upon her. Furthermore, Maynard also wanted to use PAS so that her family can have an easier time to move on and to live without the burden of worrying about her. Another
Once people are diagnosed to be terminally-ill, they only have a certain amount of time to live, and they know that as their disease progresses that they will only get worse and worse and they will eventually lose themselves. These people should have a choice as of whether they want to live out those dreadful days that lie ahead of them, or to simply end their lives peacefully, without any pain. Physician- Assisted Suicide or Euthanasia allows people to make the decision. Although the end-result of both procedures is the same, the technique differs slightly. In Physician- Assisted Suicide, the physician injects the lethal substances, and with Euthanasia, the doctor only provides a lethal amount of a drug to the patient and they ingest it themselves. Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia should be legalized as a federal law so that the patients have the right to decide whether they would like to end their lives when in a terminally-ill state.
To begin, I would like to take a utilitarian approach to the subject of euthanasia. Utilitarians believe that an action should cause the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people. As a terminally ill person continues to render further implications of their disease, more and more pain will bestow upon them. They may become bed ridden and unable to enjoy the activities and pleasures that made their life intrinsically good. As time
In recent times, there has been much debate about whether or not Euthanasia should be permitted. Voluntary Euthanasia is when terminally ill people wish to have their lives ended with the assistance of medical procedures before nature takes its course. This is because they may be suffering and in great pain, or cannot live a reasonable or comfortable life. Voluntary Euthanasia should be introduced, provided that there are safeguards to stop the system from being misused.
Life is a delicate subject to address, especially when it comes to the end thereof. Oftentimes, talking about death is a sensitive and therefore controversial subject. In America, citizens are allowed to hold and express their personal ideologies and beliefs, which has created a lot of discussion about whether or not it should be legal for doctors to help terminally ill patients peacefully end their lives. This is commonly referred to as Aid-In-Dying. The human experience is filled with many difficulties and sufferings. In the dreadful circumstance that someone is diagnosed as terminally ill, why would anyone want him or her to continue to suffer? When a human being is dying and experiencing excruciating pain, they absolutely should have
If someone has a life threating disease and wishes death, it should be granted to them. The prolonging of the suffering of dying patients is an unethical practice that should be stopped. Euthanasia as of today in the majority of states is illegal. My opinion on Euthanasia is that it should be legalized because the patients get to die with dignity, on their own terms
Lauren Bacall once said, “A man’s illness is his private territory and, no matter how much he loves you and how close you are, you stay an outsider. You are healthy.” This quote makes the point that no one knows exactly what someone with an incurable illness is going through. We are all outsiders. So, who is to say, for example, physician assisted suicide should be illegal? If a person has the constitutional right to live then a person should have the right to choose to die on his own terms. Also, if a person that is terminally ill chooses to opt for assisted suicide, the potential for vital organs to be saved is much greater. As the sickness starts to take over many patients become too ill to do daily activities on their own but, with assisted suicide, the patient can die with dignity knowing that they saved themselves and their family time, money, and also heartbreak. As assisted suicide is discussed among many groups one must also take a look at the alternatives offered.
It is inhuman to continually allow a person to suffer when there is no chance of them improving. Even animals are put out of their misery when injured or sick beyond repair as to not prolong the suffering, humans should be allowed that same option. Long term pain can severely affect a person, sometimes causing the patient to be mad and hateful without meaning to . Giving a person a choice to end their life while they still hold on to the personality they have always had is not for the government but for the patient. A dying person should not be tortured in the process unless they choose to be. Terminating one's life to escape from excruciating pain is an excellent reason to legalize Euthanasia.
The right to die should be available to those who are in serious pain and beyond the help of Doctors, Also people who have been diagnosed with terminal diseases such as cancer; some doctors even say people with serve depression should have to the right to doctor assisted suicide. People always question if it’s morally okay to even allow people to choose when they can die which is why major religious groups are against the idea of doctor assisted suicide mainly because they believe God has a certain time for you to go and you
People make decisions every single day of their lives. Although, people with a terminal diagnosis still have the capability to make decisions, they are not given the legal right to a physician assisted suicide. A choice some may desire in their final days. Once the person with the terminal diagnosis has met the specific criteria he or she should decide what would be optimal decision for both themselves and their families. Palliative care will always be available to terminal patients; however, not all patients will wish to wait and wonder. Nevertheless, some terminal patients will wish to take death into their own hands. People should be allowed to choose how they will die this would reduce the overall healthcare cost, decrease the emotional toll of the patients and their families, and allow there to be dignity within death.
Euthanasia needs to be a right allowed to all who have family or loved ones that are suffering from terminally ill diseases. Adam Wolfson describes how most terminally ill people view themselves when they are finally asking for an assisted suicide, he describes them as “those for whom life has become nothing but meaningless existence with no escape.” Terminally ill should have the right to die and do this to no longer feel pain, not leave their families with huge bills,
In the United States, we have certain human rights and that includes the right to choose to end our lives. Under article 3 in the Declaration of Human Rights, it states, “Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security of person” (Appendix). Given this law, a patient has all the rights to decide if they want to live or die. According to Dworkin, “The individual has a basic right to determine the course of their own life and obviously death is a part of that course” (Bell). A fellow New Yorker also said, “Whatever view we take about, we want the right to decide for ourselves.” To sum up, it’s very important to allow us to make our own decisions.
It’s important to start by understanding the different types of euthanasia. Allowing someone to die is, “Forgoing or withdrawing medical treatment that offers no hope of benefit to the total well-being of the patient, or that imposes
Society views suicide as an unreasonable and inconsiderate action since there are many alternate avenues of help that a person could resort to. In the case of Euthanasia for a terminally ill being, there is no option to make things better. There is only medication that prolongs the death by temporally numbing the pain. One must imagine what the patient is feeling and at some point and set aside their feelings to be more understanding to that of the patient.
Should death be a choice? Google defines Euthanasia as “The painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible coma.” Euthanasia is illegal in most places of the world. It is a topic a lot of people disagree on, but I personally believe it should be legalized all over the world.