
Evaluating The Various Products I Have Generated Digitally And My Performance As A Test Buddy And A Candidate

Better Essays

Activity 4 – Evaluation


For this control assessment, I was asked to create a plan that will effectively raise the awareness and bring attention of the local communities to the various charities in my local area, which is London. For this particular task I will assess and evaluate the various products I have generated digitally and my performance as a test buddy and a candidate.


In this section of my evaluation, I will be reviewing the logo I created using the software called Paint. I used paint because I was already familiar with the tools that are available for use and I could make an original logo fast and with ease, which corresponds to how I managed my time. Figure 1 one the left shows the logo I created without …show more content…

The logo is in a way simple, with the name of the community spirit at the top, an illustration in the middle and the strapline below it; however this links back to the logo not being too complicated and easy to remember so anybody can link back to the event when it is seen. I used a large font size (28) for the heading to make the name stand out more; furthermore, I used a yellow background and light shade of blue as these two colours complement each other. The brightness makes it fit for children, as it kind of boosts the excitement of the event and the festiveness of it as party-related themes tend to be lively and cheery through the use of luminous colours.

My logo represents Community Spirit by the sun because the arrow at the top emphasises that the event’s purpose in is aiming high and is reaching for the star – which is an expression - in order to bring about change with the help of the community. I chose the colours yellow and light blue because it is eye-catching and memorable when seen in various places; such as my e-newsletter. It also reflects the theme of the venue: positivity and because it is bright, it brings attention to the positivity regarding the determination of the event to bring about change by raising awareness of the charities in London such as Tiko Foundation, The Drapers’ Charitable Fund, The National Deaf Children’s Society, Mind and Sense. The

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