
Evaluation Of A Marketing Consultant, Shah 's Surveytastic Survey

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As a marketing consultant, Shah’s Surveytastic Survey should align the same freemium model with a focus in growing the business and attempting to reach new customers. In fact, simplicity and easy to use survey platform is what they should target for to engage more individuals and get their feedback that can be used to collect meaningful data. To do that, Shah’s Surveytastic Survey could allow everyone who is part of the university (students or faculty) to sign up, create and send their surveys with basic features like having 10 questions, 100 responses and email support for free. Since universities tend to have professors students and faculty members from different demographics, Surveytastic Survey should include different language options …show more content…

The users can then redeem the points to unlock more new features once they have the required points. As a result, this low cost strategy will lead to more awareness of Shah’s Surveytastic Survey across academic places and thus potentially more credible. They can also reach new customers just like how Drop box did by partnering with prestigious school like UTSC or Rotman so that it can be perceived to have a strong brand reputation. Doing so will not only allow Surveystastic Survey to lend its credibility through these universities but will also allow them to engage numerous potential customers. As seen before for Drop box, word of mouth referrals resulted in increase in sign ups thus leveraging this strategy is wise full for this firm to accelerate its service growth from direct referral invites and growth through partnership.
To get customer feedback, Surveytastic Survey should also provide an option for the user to rate their services by conducting concept testing like collecting data, which can be accomplished through surveys conducted within the university for free of charge. To do this, Shah’s Surveytastic Survey should have analytics team focusing on getting user info, customer acquisition and engagement. They can also include a vote box option on their site for students, which allow students to vote/comment on features they like to see. This will enable the firm to examine and gain more insight

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