
Evaluation Of A Research Study

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Berg and Lune (2012) reiterate David Matta’s philosophy that it is crucial that a researcher enter a study setting with an appreciative, or neutral, attitude (Matta, 1969). This denotes that the researcher has no agenda in mind, i.e., he/she does not allow support or oppose what is happening in the study environment. As I have stated in previous discussions, I believe this is of great importance for the study to be impartial and well balanced.
There are four categories or sets of skills that Berg and Lune (2012) list being essential to ethnographic studies: (1) Taking in the physical setting, (2) Develop relationships with inhabitants, (3) Tracking, observing, eavesdropping and asking questions, and (4) Locating subgroups and stars (Berg and Lune, p. 226). Within each of these sets, a number of skills are used such as observation, note taking, establishing relationships and networking. I personally believe there are skills used in each of these that are not specifically notated in the readings. Social perceptiveness, or being aware of the reactions of others as well as the reasons they reacted the way they did is an important skill throughout the study. Communication skills are important for several reasons. First, the researcher needs to be able to communicate effectively in the beginning to find an informant and then explain to the informant what type of research you will be completing. Next, during the interview process of the study, the investigator must be able to

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