
Evaluation Of A Training On Embedded Instruction

Decent Essays

Recruited teachers will be randomly assigned to one of three conditions. Participants in the first condition will receive continued coaching on embedded instruction. Teachers in this condition will receive training by their coach for one hour per week, be observed by their coach one hour per week, and will receive feedback through email or phone call. Teachers in the second condition will attend two six-hour long workshops on embedded instruction and will not have continued contact with an embedded instruction coach. Finally, teachers in the third condition will not receive training on embedded instruction and will serve as a control group. Data will be collected from these teachers at four time points. (T1) Data will be collected for the first time point four-weeks after school begins to provide teachers with time to become familiar with their students’ behaviors so that they can identify target children with challenging behaviors. T1 will serve as a baseline measure, as no teachers will have received embedded instruction coaching or training. (T2) Next, data will be collected before students leave for winter break, preferably two-weeks before break begins to avoid data collection too close to the holidays which could lead to distractions. (T3) Data will be collected again in early spring approximately two to three weeks after students return from holiday break. (T4) Finally, data will be collected at the end of the school year about two weeks before school ends. The

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