
Evaluation Of The Field Supervisor 's Role

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Kadushin and Harkness. (2002 p.23) define supervision in social work as “the process of overseeing, directing, coordinating, enhancing, and evaluating the on-the-job performance of workers for whom the supervisor is responsible.”
The field supervisor’s role is to guide and assist the student as they learn to implement the theory and skills learned through their academic studies. The supervisor and student form a working partnership whereas each utilize this placement to enhance their levels of expertise. The placement provides a hands on approach to the social work student whereas strengths and weakness are identifying and feedback is given as a means to improve the skill levels of the student practitioner.
McTighe (2011) proposes that clinicians must take an inventory of self, knowledge about ones’ beliefs and values and be open to self-discovery as a mode to contribute to her identification as a therapist. Understanding one’s personal values as to not impose these on out client system is an important ethical standard for Social workers and becomes a necessity as well in role of both supervisor and student.
Leadership Style
Garthwait (2014) reports that supervisors have a variety of styles and each with affect the student’s experience within the field placement. My supervisor’s style compliments my style of learning. She delegates task needed to be done such as development of a criteria for the upcoming domestic support system and fliers to be distributed to possible

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