
Evaluation Of The New Edition Includes Supervision

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Glickman, Gordon and Ross-Gordan (2014) wrote, "Like schools, supervision can be conventional, congenial, or collegial. Throughout most of its history supervision has operated from within a conventional paradigm (world-view), attempting to control teachers ' instructional behaviors. Based on what we know about successful schools, the time has come to move from conventional schools (still dominant in the United States) and congenial schools (less prevalent throughout the nation) toward collegial schools (growing in number and success)." (p. 7). In order supervision in schools to move towards a collegial style, there has to be a shift of thinking and focus to working with teachers, not teachers working for them.
According to Glickman, Gordon and Ross-Gordan (2014), the title of the new edition includes SuperVision, a term that denotes teaching and learning should developed collaboratively amongst teachers and supervisors. This term also implies that this same group of individuals should work together to build a democratic community where they make the school vision a reality (p. 8). In order to make this paradigm shift, supervisors have to understand the different types of supervision and understand when they are appropriate to use. The four models include directive control behaviors, directive informational behaviors, collaborative behaviors, and nondirective behaviors. Supervisors using the first type of supervision, direct control behaviors, are assertive and

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