
Every Good Father Is A Successful Father

Decent Essays

Robert Duvall, an American actor and filmmaker once wisely stated, “Not every successful man is a good father. But every good father is a successful man.” This quote reveals just how fulfilling and important a true father’s job can be. A father has many responsibilities, yet his family should become a priority in his life every day. No matter what happens around them, a father must bring his family together, showing them Christ’s love. The role of a father encompasses many different duties. Yet a man begins learning fundamental qualities early on in life that will help him raise a family later on. In order to become an excellent father, a man must first master the skills of leading, providing, and protecting.

An essential skill, mastering leadership allows for a man to gain the respect of his family while managing his household. When a father leads, he earns the respect of his wife and children, which in turn allows him to oversee the affairs of the family. For example, a father makes a habit of reading scripture to his family, and praying for others in need. Mentoring his wife and children through this activity, this man shows how a father should guide all the members of his family, helping them grow spiritually. Or, a family decides to go to dinner, but no one can agree on where to dine. Who ultimately makes this simple decision? The father must take control of the situation and select a place to eat, avoiding hours of useless bickering about who should make the choice.

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