
Everybody Should Be For Gay Adoption

Decent Essays

Around the world there is 17,900,00 orphans who have lost both parents. These children are in orphanages or on the street and they need healthy development, which they don’t have. For they have to fend for themselves in both situations and neither situation is ideal, either the children are all alone or they are surrounded by many other children and they don’t get the care the deserve and need. Everybody should have the right to adopt these children and give them better lives and help their development, no matter of the adopter’s sexuality. Everybody should be for gay adoption because it gets kids out of orphanages, gives them good homes, and gives the child a family.
These children need a good home to grow up in where a whole bunch of other …show more content…

. . who cares if the family is gay? These children are most likely run down, depressed, and lonely. They want a family. One good example of this is a cartoon. In the cartoon there is a legal/ “important” guy saying, “. . . the present law banning gay adoption protects our family values!” Then behind him are a bunch of children one saying, “Um. . . we’d all really value a family mister. . .” and another child is saying, “Any family!” This simple cartoon is actually very accurate and correct. These children are alone in the world people who think they care if they go to a gay family are wrong. Also if the child does care let the couple adopt a different child. If the child went to a family instead of living in an orphanage they would get the parent’s full attention, not the occasional attention of workers at an orphanage; which is really important because a child needs to know that they have someone always there for them and just for them, maybe a brother or sister, but not a whole group of young children. Also these children need and want a family, any family; they won’t be concerned about sexuality. At their age the children aren’t hindered by opinionated views toward people so they don’t care about sexuality. Being with a gay family will more than likely teach them to not judge people based on biased thoughts because the family they love is openminded so the child will probably grow up like the people they are around all the …show more content…

By doing all of this it also gives the child a better experience in life and school for the know that they have the support of their adopted parents. It is also mostly gays who adopt because it is actually impossible, with males, to have biological children of their own. If all gays were allowed to adopt the children would be thrilled because they would have a family of their own to live with, instead of a whole bunch of other rambunctious kids. All people deserve the right to adopt children, as long as they are kind people. Who cares if the parents are gay? The only aspect that might change the kid’s education or experience is if people try to tell them they are weird because they have two moms or two dads but really that kid will know that they are special, in a good way, because they have two parents who support them

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