
Evidence Based Practice For After Stroke Care

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Evidence-Based Practice for after stroke care Evidence-Base practice (EBP) is defined as based on problems identified from nursing practice; using best evidence and professional expertise and merging them into current practice to ensure patients receive quality care (French, 1999). Evidence-based practice is a part of quality improvement process; it is made of evidence, clinical expertise, patient preference and the context of care (Barker, 2013). In brief, evidence-based practice is the guideline in the nursing practice that requires nurses gather and use clinical evidence to help diagnose or assess patients correctly by using their knowledge and experience in order they can deliver the quality of care to the patients (Ellis, 2013). In the other words, in the nursing practice the clinical evidence supports all the nursing procedures performed. Evidence-based practice is important because it lets nurses know what they are doing, why they are doing it and how they can do it better based on scientific research. Then evidence-based practice is a process of professional learning, even in training the nurse must know how to ask the right questions, how to critically appraise evidence, how to make clinical decisions and how to solve the clinical problems. Then the evidence-based practice is not only required for the nurses to have knowledge but also the nurses need to use this knowledge to identify evidence to inform practice and how you might subsequently assimilate this

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