
Evidence-Based Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI)

Decent Essays

We also incorporated Evidence-based practice into our home health agency in many different ways. One example of how evidence-based practice is incorporated into our practice on a daily basis is interventions utilized to prevent catheter-related urinary tract infections (CAUTI). Many of the patients we provide care for have indwelling urinary catheters, complete intermittent catheterization on a scheduled basis or have suprapubic catheters. As healthcare providers, we are aware of the possible negative outcomes of inadequate catheter care. This is why we incorporate interventions to promote proper catheter care in our home health agency utilizing evidence-based practice. Based off of evidence, “ Because the incidence of complications rises …show more content…

The education department at our organization assigns courses and providing resources to staff members to ensure we can identify vulnerable populations and how to ensure safety is maintained in every healthcare setting of our organization. In home health, we work as patient advocates ensuring patient safety is maintained. If we discover unsafe living conditions such as possible abuse or inadequate resources available while in the home, the nurse and health professionals are aware that we must report these situations to case managers, social worker, and our nurse managers. Weekly meetings are held in our facility, and we discuss concerns and patients situations with case managers, social worker, and nurse managers to ensure everything is being done to ensure a culture of safety is maintained for staff members and for the patients we provide care to. Our organization was evaluated by Joint Commission last month; this is also an excellent way to ensure a culture of safety is maintained in our healthcare organization. Receiving feedback from the surveyors and incorporating their suggestions for change into our organization is an excellent way to ensure a culture of safety as well. Ever since the results were received from our evaluation from Joint Commission, the education department and nurse managers have conducted two meetings and provided education on where improvements can be …show more content…

Fortunately, we do utilize computerized charting as well as the physician order entry system, but there is room for improvement in our home health organization. Epic home health is the system that we utilize, unfortunately, internet service is required to sync/update patient information. In order to review previous nurse, physician notes, and lab/test results internet service is needed. Many of our patients live in rural areas where cell phone service and internet service is not available. Therefore, we must often wait until we return to the home health office to find the patient information we need and to submit our charting. I am grateful our organization utilizes computerized charting, but often it is difficult to communicate with other healthcare providers or pull up pertinent patient information while in the field. Certified nursing assistants, nurses, physical therapists, social workers, and case managers are all required to use the same charting system, using the same system does improve communication within the organization. Nurse Managers review our charting on a regular basis and provide staff members with feedback and updates if changes are made in the computerized system. Also, technical service representatives are available 24-7 for employees to assist with questions and to address technical issues regarding

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