
Evolution And Application Of Technology

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In the past few decades, advances in technology have completely changed the field of management. It went from a group of pencil pushers to a cutting age group of executives. Technology puts any resource management needs right at their fingertips, with more resources than anyone can count. Management has improved unequivocally due to all the technological improvements at their disposal.
Evolution and Application of Technology in Management

The biggest area technology has helped managers is at the recruitment and retention level. The first goal in recruitment is to have a diverse applicant base. Social media has brought a 30% increase in applicant referrals, which just means companies are able to have a better selection for each opening (Reilly, 2013.) After applications, you must select the best ones which can be a tedious process. Through resume trackers, management is able to use keywords to find applicants that have the skills/experience they want most of all (Reilly, 2013.) Technology has also allowed applicants from further away to apply to certain positions. Video interviews mean that applicants from all over the world are able to put their name in the hat! This is a long ways away from the days of paper emails and sit-down interviews.
Social media isn’t just for recruitment, by the way. Social media sites allow for a great level of communication. With consumers, a company can use these sites to keep them in the loop, answer questions, and simply interact with

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