It’s easy to say that everybody’s perspective on their own culture is different and is explained differently. With the way people’s diction describes how their family immigrated to America in the 1970s, or why their grandmother adds a little extra spice with all of their meals. Or maybe how people use imagery to get them to understand and see the clothing their ancestors would wear back in India, or how hard their great great uncle would work everyday, seven days a week, lucky to get one hundred and fifty dollars. My family might not have come from some exotic culture, but my family does have a story to tell, from where they began, to where I am now. I’m a third-generation American. My father’s grandfather was from the French parts of Canada, and my mother’s grandmother is from a small town in Great Britain. My father’s mother was Baptist, my mother’s mother doesn’t have a set religion, but her grandmother is Christian. In the house that I live in, we don’t have a set religion that we follow. …show more content…
Up until this past year on June 26, it was illegal for homosexuals to be wed. It’s an awful thing to refuse a couple of marriage, just because they’re attracted to the same sex. I’m so ecstatic to be part of the youngest generation to see so many people be overjoyed to finally be able to be married. Having friends and family of a different sexual orientation, I could practically see the relief and happiness, knowing they’ll be able to sworn into matrimony. Accepting people for who they are is the first step to doing so many great things for other people. I don’t know what will come next, or if we’ll pull the whole “two steps forward, one step back” thing, but I can only hope for the best for every single soul who lives in these United States. Eventually, we will have everything perfected for everyone, no favoritism or advantages. Just a new country, making it’s
On June 26, 2015 the US Supreme Court ended the ban on same sex marrige , deckaring it unconstitutional.The following Sunday Bishop T.D. Jakes stated his opinion on the subject during service. He said "I'm not really concerned about it... the world is gonna be the world and the church is gonna be the church, and you have to understand the difference.” This speaks to how far society has come, and how much closer we are to equality. even with the differences of opinion.
If certain states have laws that say they cannot marry the one person they want, then that is not something that should be allowed. The people who are told they can not marry the one they want to spend the rest of thier life with are the ones who want to see the change that desperately needs to happen. Same-sex marriage has become such an important issue in today's society. It is the path to many couple’s happiness. With the recent change in office, the road for same-sex marriage could be terribly damaged. But if others continue to try and equalize everyone's happiness then same-sex marriage will continue along a positive road. People will be able to marry whoever they wish in years to come but that change is not clear due to the change in office. The inability to accept what is different often sets back many. It’s an issue or topic people tend to shy away from. Being different is not a bad thing and everyone needs to realize that. Difference is something that needs to be accepted or the world will never be able to survive. The decisions and opinions of others affect others lives and overall well
What means to be an American? About everywhere in the societies and the people in it have diverse opinions to be an American especially when they are from different country. Being an American means to have a willing to accept others from different culture, freedom to do anything, and to have opportunities in terms of relaxed atmosphere.
The United States of America was founded as a secular sanctuary for ideals like freedom, equality, and tolerance – few will argue against that. Over its history American culture has radically evolved as it strived to meet the ideals its nation was based upon, making changes like ending slavery and providing legal equality for women and minorities, changes that at the time seemed absurd but today are unquestionable merits that define what an “American” is. The quest to reach the ultimate utopian society continues today as true Americans fight the evils of ignorance, stubborn bigotry and the fear to change that still manifest themselves in a large portion of U.S. citizens, preventing this nation from moving forward. One of the outstanding minorities still left to be granted the ideals of freedom, equality, and tolerance are homosexuals trying to obtain the right to marry the person they want to spend the rest of their life with, regardless of gender. Same-sex marriages should be recognized in the eyes of the U.S. government in accordance with its responsibility to provide all American citizens equal freedoms.
Connor Carrier Mr. Keck English 11, Period 6 30 September 2016 What it means to be American What does it exactly mean to be an American? It’s hard to pinpoint what precisely is an American. Is it the soldier fighting for our freedom? Or is it the CEO sitting behind his desk making more money than any other average American?
Harold Ickes was successful in presenting his speech by using great rhetorical devices appealing to his audience logically, emotionally, and ethics. As I read Harold Ickes’s speech the words summed up the emotion of the time so perfectly. The time was when Hitler and the Nazi army was headed for world domination. His intents were to influence American citizen to unite as a country.
As Morgen walks into her AP American History class, she notices that there are weird box type tablets on every desk. She’s never seen anything like these before. By the looks on the faces of her ten classmates, she’s not alone. She takes her usual seat in the back of the classroom. While waiting for her best friend to arrive, she listens to her favorite song, Hello by her favorite classic artist, Adele. What are these weird looking tablets? How are you supposed to turn them on? She wondered.
What does it mean to be American?Well it all depends on who you ask, because everyone has their own opinions. Being an American mean has and had many definitions for many centuries. During WW1 being an American was helping server the war or help the war. In WW2 it was the exact same thing. Women in this age thought being American was having the same rights as men.
The Supreme Court legalized Same Sex Marriage on June 26, 2015. Same Sex Marriage is all the homosexual people in United States now can legally marry. Homosexual people has hard time with their family, people who didn't come out not dare to tell their family, so they will find some who is hetersexual and marry without telling the truth. Once hetersexual person find out about it or homosexual person sick to live with it , they will be divorce. The article “ 10 reasons why Gay Marriage should be legalized” the article stated “More than 50% of married couples in America get divorced. Allowing gays the opportunity to get married will increase marriage rates because less couples will get divorced due to incompatibility or infertility.” We can see from the evidence that half of people in America get divorced. Once they passed the Same Sex Marriage Law, the situation will become better also the percentage of getting divorced would be decrese. American people rejoice with wild excitement not only because this, it also prove that human has improved. To homesexual people is accomplishment of equal rights. The article “ 10 reasons why Gay Marriage should be legalized” the article stated “In the 50's, interracial marriage was illegal. But now, modern society understands this to be an unjust law that denied equal rights to couples who loved each other.” Mind
Same-sex marriage was successfully named as legal on June 25, 2015. The fight to get this decision was a long and hard process. Even though it was legalized people still have to contradict thoughts on this. A lot of people have problems with this but voted based on their personal opinions, and not the best interest of the everybody and everything. Obama led a true example of being equal and fair. There are many reasons why people believe that same-sex couples are wrong, but aren’t right due to lack of factual evidence, and being biased. The economy will have a major incline in money, revolving quite a few problems. Most people do not understand that these couples are more affected than some may think, in ways of family and
American History X is clearly a film dealing with the social topic of racism. The interesting thing about this film is the way in which the subject is presented. First of all, it is obvious that, though racism is always a difficult subject to deal with, American History X presents it without any reservations or dummying down. Second, the film's figurehead for racism, Derek Vinyard (Edward Norton), is not an unintelligent redneck racist as films often portray them, but is in fact well-spoken, charismatic and bright, although he clearly holds ideals that are terribly wrong. Finally, the film shows that it is not only the white, neo-nazi racists who are fools for being involved in this, but all those who hold hatred in
Gay marriage has slowly become a significant factor amongst individuals of today’s society. On June 26, 2015, it was ruled out by the U.S. Supreme Court that gay marriage was now legal. The first thing that I thought was that “Wasn’t it already legal in the United States?” Well, apparently no it has not been legalized in the United States! (Dumb me.) The U.S. is known to be a nation of equality and gives everyone the freedom of the speech, but it is actually a nation full of racism, sexism, and homophobias. Our country gives us the freedom to do many things, but to gay couples they don’t have much freedom as others do. We are violating their freedom because we aren’t letting them marry the one they love, so to say that everyone in the U.S. has the freedom to do anything is wrong. Our civil rights and the Constitution give us many liberties. One of our civil liberties is the pursuit of happiness, which many homosexual people are not allowed to chase, but thanks to the new ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court homosexual people are allowed to chase it. They are being looked down at and are feeling ashamed of themselves because of all the cruelty that they are receiving. Homosexual people haven’t been able to fully express themselves until it was legalized for them to fully do so. They have been fighting for the right to be married to their same sex for about a decade now, and they have finally met their goal. #Lovewins.
Children have a tendency to bring out the very best in people. I can say I have been fortunate to have four little blessings of my own. I consider each of them as a blessing and each day I am reminded of how much they mean to me. My children have brought out the best in me--parts that I never knew existed. As children grow, so do parents. I have evolved into a better person with the courage to overcome all obstacles because of the love that I have for my children.
In the face of a government rampant with injustices, Henry David Thoreau refused to support an unjust war and was forced into prison. Over one hundred years later, Martin Luther King Jr. rebelled against the very same government, which was now stripping African Americans of their rights, and was also thrown in jail. Both men learned immensely about themselves during this time in prison and were inspired to push harder against oppression. Although in drastically different situations, Thoreau and King implemented the same forms of protest and supported very similar ideas. Had Thoreau been alive during the Civil Rights Movement, he would have advised King on the importance of a moral law that is higher than civil government and that individuals must decide this moral law and work towards it.
The United States of America being the third largest country in the world with more than 315 million inhabitants, consists of multicultural societies with ethnically diverse population. Since there are a lot of foreigners, the US culture has evolved in such a way accepting and tolerating other foreign cultures. US is very much influenced by protestant work ethics according to which people believe in themselves and their efforts to attain the goal of self-actualization and success. The rich diversity in the culture brought by foreigners, prevailing values of protestant ethics, hard work etc. have helped US to emerge as a superpower in the past years. Nearly every religion had its impact on US culture in one way or the other. The