I was born on December 25, 2003. Most of my life, I have lived in Arcadia, Ca. In 2015, my family moved to Ontario, Ca. Then in July of 2016, I moved to Riverside, Ca. Moving to different cities and schools has been one of the major events that has shaped my thoughts and beliefs. As a result, I have had the opportunity to learn and observe different cultures and have the chance to interact with different people. I am a straight A student that hopes to always to achieve an A in school. When I lived in Arcadia, everyone was an overachiever. Every student attended an after school where they teach two to three grade levels ahead. Extra credit was always a necessity, not a choice due to the competitiveness in school. By receiving a grade lower than an A, teachers look down on you. Attending school in Arcadia, even in elementary school was very pressuring. After moving out of Arcadia, I realized how easy and low the expectations were for students in Ontario and Riverside. This is why I want to work hard and stay a responsible student. I am interested in science and history. In school, I choose friends who will be supportive of me and …show more content…
This continued after moving to Ontario and Riverside. After participating in numerous amounts of extra curricular activities, I have seen that my interests are singing, swimming, reading, and cooking. Learning about finance and how to be successful is another of my interests. I also enjoy going on vacation with my family every year. My family embraces Christmas, New Years, Chinese New Year, Moon Festival. In my family of four, my older brother and my parents widely influence me. Learning by making mistakes, I have understood that it is important to be responsible and to not always depend on others. I have also learned to understand that it is important to work hard because your life will be easier in the
I communicate in many different ways, whether it be visually, orally or electronically. There are a few instances that stand out. First, through the oral and electronic means of communication. During the summers I coach a youth baseball team and I communicate with the players and their parents in many different ways. At practices where I talk and work them how to do specific drills. At games I cheer them on and give them tips to succeed. But, since most of the kids are only eleven or twelve years old I have to communicate to the parents. I usually do this through email where I tell them about upcoming games and practices. I also provide them my cell phone number so they always have a good way to reach me. Without the
I was born on April 23, 1994 in Brampton, Ontario. I have lived in Brampton my entire life. I completed my undergraduate degree at University of Toronto, and now I am here at York University completing my BEd. I am someone who values helping others above anything else, which is why my dream has always been to become a teacher. This is something that I will accomplish, and nothing will stop me from achieving my dreams!
The first thing I can remember about my writing was in 8th grade my English teacher inspired me to write. Not only about short stories but about my life if I didn't want to talk about my problems. I remember it so well, I was having a hard time with school and family issues were happening. My grades reflected that writing helped me a lot. I realized what I had to do, writing changed everything opened up more I felt better as a person my writing opened my eyes in a way. I did my work and efficiently. I don't like to read nearly as much as I like to write. I used to write a lot more about things I thought I was pretty good at writing short stories but then I just stopped
Born in California and raised in the deep south, I grew up in two conflicting societies. The cultural geography of both areas differs on a magnitude of levels and complicated my development into the cultures around me, however in retrospect influenced me to be a multidimensional and considerate person. At a young age my parents introduced me to progressive values. During the developmental toddler stages, I immersed myself in two different cultures: what I experienced at school and what I experienced at home. Charleston, South Carolina embodies small-town society though the Greater Charleston Area expands rapidly each year, pulling migrants, including my family, to the growing city. The overwhelmingly conservative views of Traditional Charleston
I was eight or seven, I lived in Gallup New Mexico at the time. One day in the summer my mother, cousin and I decided to visit our uncle Paul. He was an older man but very athletic he had his own home gym in his basement. When we got to his house he and my mother sat and had a grown-up conversation, me and my cousin Jerry decided to go explore the basement. In our uncle’s basement, he had four rooms. One had a huge pool table, another one was filled with weights and matts for yoga, the third one we never went into because the door was always locked. And the fourth, this fourth room would become my worst nightmare, it was filled with elliptical and treadmill equipment. After a while jerry and I got bored with playing our version of pool
I was born in Iran to Afghan parents who fled Afghanistan during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. Iran is notorious for denying basic human rights to refugees and my family was no exception. Although I was born in Iran, I nor any other member of my family held a fraction of the rights granted to Iranian citizens. I recall the undercover police officers the Iranian government had who looked for Afghan refugees in order to force out of the country. My parents did not want us to continue to face the same problems and racist treatment so they went to the United Nations to seek refuge. After a year of grueling interviews, medical tests, and security checks, we were informed that Canada would take us in. Being only 11 years old, I remember feeling thrilled that we were going to a better place. Canada did not fail to disappoint as we were welcomed with warmth and treated with equality.
I was born in Bogota, Colombia. During my childhood schooling years I attended Gimnasio de Los Cerros in Bogota. Attending secondary schooling in Colombia prepared me well for my academic pursuits in the United States. Through my studies, my fondness of mathematics continued to grow. On my pursuit of scholastic success mathematical equations found its persuasive way to speak to me. It is for this reason I have chosen for my career to follow the pathway in relation to mathematics. But even more so, what would ultimately lay down the roots of my personal character was the death of my father at the age of three. As years passed by I came to understand I was now “the man of the house”. I do not reflect back at death of my father as being something
After a competitive brawl of a game with grass stains on my knees, jersey, and socks; with sweat drenching my hair and clothes, as if I just took a shower, I began to walk over to a table set up amongst the fans. They wait anxiously for my team to walk over after our big win. Each one of my teammates including myself are set at a table close to the bleachers, which set adjacent from the players bench across the pitch. I set down by my new set of teammates, as we got ready to sign posters for children with aspirations to play at collegiate level soccer one day, for parents and grand parents who couldn?t be more honored to be witnessing their little girls hard work finally paying off. It was recent that I experienced this
The countless hours spent going over flashcards for my SAT words, pouring over AP notes, taking extra swings in the cages, and the airplane rides back east flashed before my mind as the phone rang. It seemed like my whole future would be decided in this one moment. I was confident that I had done everything I possibly could, and it was daunting to know that now the decision was not under my control. I knew I had worked my butt off to try and get this spot on the Harvard softball team, my biggest goal. Hands and voice shaking, I took a deep breath and pressed “Answer.”
Growing up in a small townhouse, I would see my father only once a week on Sundays because he was working long hours the rest of the week. When meeting him, I would become very emotional because I knew that the reason I could not see him other days of the week was because he was working. My father’s hard work and perseverance gave me the drive to become someone that he would be proud of. My goal is to become someone that he can say to himself it was worth the long and strenuous hours spent at work.
I was born on a cold October morning, well that is something my mother always told me. Perhaps, that is one of the many reasons why I enjoy cold days and drinking coffee. I have live my whole life in Chicago, but I do have dreams of moving somewhere else. My family consisted of my father, mother, and sister, who is my twin, for eighteen years. However, in the past month a new family member got added, Toma Heroine Touka, my kitten. It is a really funny story how she came to be added to my family. It all started when I told my dad “If Germany wins that World Cup, then he should get me a cat.” My dad took it as a joke, but accepted it. Time passed and I saw that I would never get a cat that I can call my own. It was around late November when
I was born July 18, 2001 at Virginia Baptist Hospital. My mother had just recently turned 17 and my father was a 21 year old with two children already. It was my fourth birthday when he walked out on me and my mom. At first he’d still come around and see me but eventually the visits got shorter and further a part. Now I only see him twice a year, when he takes me to his family reunion and on my birthday, when he takes me to Kings Dominion.
Does the task of memoir writing puzzle you? It’s alright. This autobiography example for students is here to show you that memoir writing can be easy and even exciting. All you need to do is to scroll this page down and enjoy this amazing sample and the related, practical hints.
I was born on February 27th 1998 in Cleveland Ohio. I was a premature baby and was only 5 pounds when i was delivered. I got my name from my great grandfather Dequan Anderson Williams. I wasn’t a jr because my dad already had my big brother and named him after him. The first five years of my life went by pretty fast. I have many memories from my first five years. One memory i remember was the first time i went to the zoo. I went with my daycare teacher and her two sons. I was three years old and it was a very hot day. The first Animals i saw was these big old elephants. I was so amazed by how tall and big they were. After we seen the elephants we saw two big old turtles who was moving extremely slow. The turtles were making these weird noises that was loud and annoying. After seeing
My favorite games were always the ones that came down to the last possession with only 5 seconds left. When the ticking of the clock became my own heartbeat, and I could hear each individual squeak of sneakers on the court, I waited for the ball to come sailing through the air as the accompanying adrenaline surged through my veins. This high seemed to go on forever, yet in reality it was only a mere second. Now with this jolt of energy I was ready. I received the ball, and, with a quick pump fake and cross over dribble I would be around the opponents’ point guard. I would come to a jump stop and shoot! Time stopped as the buzzer went off and I waited to see if the ball would drop into the basket, it made its usual arching course to the basket, flipping over itself again and again. But this time I was on the ground writhing in pain. It was a moment.