According to the assigned assessment, my reported MTBI is ESFJ. The ESFJ is consistent to what I actually am. I am outgoing and friendly to others (extraversion); People often tell me how charismatic and animated I am. I also like things organized and together, and I am very firm in my beliefs. Helping others when I can is something I also enjoy to do. Conceptual and theoretical ideas bother me, as I prefer concrete and factual ideas when I am learning or trying to analyze something. All of these traits are consistent with the type ESFJ. The describes this personality as “The Counsel.” The J aspect is most prominent in my daily life. As aforementioned, I like things organized and structured. Everything in my life has to be in order and I need to be in control of everything I do. I have to know what is always going on, so therefore, I can make the most appropriate decision. This is extremely useful as a nursing major, because it majoring in Nursing is quite challenging and very laborious; having a “game-plan” is advantageous. Majoring in nursing takes discipline and structure. These traits are necessary, in my opinion, to be successful. …show more content…
I like to please people, as this comes from my warm and caring side of me. People-pleasing could lead me to neglect my own needs. Nurses have to care give to patients without neglecting their own needs. When that happens, they could be endangering a patient. Furthermore, I am also vulnerable to criticism; I believe that I do everything correctly and perfectly, and when someone tells me that I am not, I have a problem with that. This is not good, because nursing is dynamic and it calls for one to take criticism to be more effective in delivering proper
I learned that as a nurse I must take the initiative to regulate my work environment and myself. As much as nurses are part of the larger healthcare team, they often function autonomously. I will need to keep my skills up to date and educate myself by reading current research articles and taking classes at work. I will need to be humble and open to constructive criticism from my fellow employees. I must do my best to be hard working, honest, and helpful both in the work place and my persona life. It’s irrational to think people can be completely honest in one area of their life, but not the rest. If I suffer from any sort of bias towards my patients for the choices
As I reviewed my MBTI results, most of my percentages have not drastically changed over time. This gives me continued confidence in the following MBTI results which indicate I am an ?ISTJ?: introvert (16%), sensing (9%), thinking (31%) and judging (53%) (Jung Typology Test, 1998-2017).
Most important, I treat my patients, families, and coworkers the way I want to be treated. Throughout my nursing career I have been recognized as a compassionate nurse by my co-workers, patients and physicians. I use my critical thinking to provide excellent care to my patients. Professionally, I maintain a very high level of autonomy and responsibility. I have taken additional roles beyond staff nurse and I have stepped up to take on higher-level duties and responsibilities. For example, am currently a member of the falls committee, and preceptor for BSN nursing students. I have served on the unit based council and conducts peer reviews. I received the Daisy Awarded which is given to This reminds me that the simplest kind actions may seem small to others but to patients can make a big
According to the Jung Typology Test, my four letter personality type is ISFJ. I was not surprised with my results at all and found them to be very accurate and represent me as a person. As an introvert, “I often prefer doing things alone or with one or two people (CITE). As a student, being an introvert is a disadvantage for me because I do not work well with large study groups and instead rather lock myself in a room and study alone. With sensing, “I learn best when I see how to use what I’m learning” (CITE) and only complete things using what I know from experience. By only using my experience when completing assignments or school work hinders my experience as a student by limiting my ability to learn new material. Through feeling, I tend
If the patient is doing that then the nurse should not get dishearten but should find mean to handle that situation. Humility is when people are able to understand that no one is perfect. Furthermore people should always thank for the good things that come in their way rather than comparing oneself with others. It is always best to be proud of our own selves that at least you as person have done something good in life. Likability is when people are able to face or tackle problem in life. Nurses should be able to see other people’s point of view, i.e. how nurses are able to understand their situation. Like here you cannot always be correct but they have to take other peoples opinion. It is not always that one peoples opinion can be right but other peoples opinion can also be correct. For example a person has had an accident on the way and that person is bleeding and the nurse is in charge and the situation arises where the nurse thinks to do the treatment or not because when the nurse sees the blood she panics but actually the nurse should be brave enough to carry out the treatment during that particular time. Self awareness actually gives the ability to be open, and aware of how it impacts others.
When I became a nurse I wanted to be the best nurse I could be. I have encountered many different types of nurses. I have seen nurses who do the bare minimum and some who go above and beyond for their patients. I wanted to be like the nurses who went above and beyond for their patients because of that patient satisfactory and bond that you can get when you take the time to listen. As you precept with different nurses of different levels of expertise you take in to perspective of how you think a nurse should be or strive to be. I have had different nurses who approach nursing in different ways but in the end the outcome is the same which is we want what is best for our patients.
The profession of nursing is often looked at as taking care of sick people or treating physical well-being. Many do not realize that nursing encompasses so much more than that. It is very important to me to have a positive attitude that transfers to my coworkers and patients. I want to be committed to helping those in need and desire to be able to be a confident health educator. I think it is very important to use the knowledge I have in my area of expertise to instruct others where it is needed. I would like to be able to say I gave the highest quality of care that I could at the end of each day. I realize that not everything will always be perfect or smooth, and there is only so much I can do. However, many of the rough patches can be eased with hard work and a good outlook. I want to be able to form great relationships with my colleagues as well as the client and facilitate everyone working together. Nursing is a respectable profession and I hope to contribute my own compassion to the entire community.
This assessment shows its strength by the fact that I feel as though it matches with my life. Through this, I have gain insight to the fact that I could be helpful but almost to the degree in which I could be harmful to me. While reading the description, I was proud at some parts and discourage at others. However, I do have the understanding that every personality-type as a flaw. This assessment was useful in terms of gaining insight to my motivation, strengths and weakness of my personality. This can be a useful tool to use with clients.
A person’s personality is his or her essence. It is what guides decisions, emotions, and even thoughts. Some may wonder if it is possible to explore every nuance of such a complex part of a being, but there are ways to determine what type of personality a person has, and then branch off into a more detailed examination of that person specifically. Combined with other factors, such as personality disorders and the environment that someone has grown up in, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, or MBTI, test (Enrichment 1) and analysis can determine an accurate portrayal of a personality. Created in 1943 by Katherine Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers, it is a system made up of four basic functions and sub functions that combine to make a personality type. The mother and daughter team constructed it off of Jung’s theories (History 2). Based on this system, one of the most common personality types in the US population is called an ESTJ, and one of the least common personality types is called an INFJ. There are many differences and similarities between these two types. An ESTJ personality, overall, is practical, fact-based, and outgoing, whereas an INFJ personality is more private and makes decisions based on feelings; however, both are organized people who make good leaders and are capable of great success in roles that involve helping others.
Each type has unique gifts and talents that can be used in different occupations. ISFJ personalities are practical and motivated to provide for others in the careers that they choose. The ideal work environment for this personality type is to work alone on projects, work with known facts, use standard procedures, work in a friendly and relaxed environment. Careers that are suggested for someone with the ISFJ personality are interior decorators, nurses, administrators, managers, child care professionals, counselors, paralegals, religious workers, shopkeepers and office managers. Personally, I want to work in the Biotechnology field developing cures for sick children and adults. I would love to find the cure for cancer and lyme disease. If I can make a difference in someone’s life I will then be satisfied with what I do for a living.
A weakness that may come from working as a nurse for so long is to become unbalanced, hardened, or impersonal in my personal views because of negative experiences that I may experience as a nurse. Examples of this would be when we work shorthanded or a favorite patient dies. I want to remain an individual nurse with my own individual thoughts and feelings for my patients and his or her individual situation. I do not want to treat everyone the same. I want to remain positive and enthusiastic and not allow experiences with personal or professional practices to take away from the rewards of my job as a nurse.
The dominant function of the INTJ personality type is introverted intuition. This has played a crucial role in my (albeit rather short) professional life. Ever since I was a toddler, I wanted to become a veterinarian. All of my actions were carried out primarily with this goal in mind, to the point where it was obsessive. I never considered taking any other career path.
According to the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), I am an ISTJ personality this means that I am an Introvert, Sensing, Thinking, and Judging person. ISTJ are very faithful, loyal and dependable. We are also reserved people who are interested in a secure and quiet life. ISTJ’s place importance in being honesty and can be trusted to do the right thing for their families and friends. There are some weaknesses to being an ISTJ personality we are stubborn, insensitive, and judgmental. This test is amazing it really nailed my personality.
The Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) enables an individual to gain a deeper insight into their inherent personality traits. For some people, they have had prior knowledge or underlying assumptions about their personality, but this test provides clearer information about each of their identifiable traits. According to the MBTI in Human-metric personality test, my scores were 22% (E) extroverted thinking more than introverted, 9% (N) intuitive as oppose to sensing, 16% (T) thinking more than feeling, and 12% (J) judging as compared to perceiving. Thus, my personality type is ENFJ. The ENFJ personality group is described as a minority group that consists of natural-born leaders, and people filled with passion, and charisma for example, Barack Obama and Oprah Winfrey; they are notable members of this group, also known as the protagonists (16personalities, 2016). The protagonists apprehend pride in providing guidance for others to improve individually and to improve the community at large (16personalities, 2016). The protagonists find it naturally easy to communicate with others and excel at communicating with other people in person (16personalities, 2016).
Working well with people is an important factor in the nursing career; a nurse must always be respectful to every patient regardless of the situation. Persuasion sometimes has to be used because a patient may not want a certain medication so a nurse must help the person understand that it is what is best for him or her health and their track to recovery. A nurse must always pay close attention to their patients because if problems or concerns come up, a nurse must be the first to notice it.