
Example Of Linkage Theory

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It is a theory that used to use into public relation.Linkage theory identifies all the type of relationship between different publics and organizations.Linkage theory is coming from a system analysis by Frankelj in 1972.According to Joseph Frankel in his book entitled Contemporary International theory and Behaviour of state in 1972 that he think that linkage is something used to be the beginning of an analysis or a communication.
Linkage theory described publics into four different type.For example,’’Enable Public’’,’’Normative Public’’,’’Functional Publics’’ and ‘’Diffused Public’’.This four type of publicity is described by their own use.Let take this four group of the public into a detail description.Firstly, Enable Public is mean that a groups of people that recognize an organization to keep alive in the society no matter it is a Non-government organization or government department.However, people have been described in Enable Public most of that is not concerned about the organization or department operation.Secondly, Normative Public is mean

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