
Example Of Socio-Affective Strategies

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Tarone (1980) points out that learning strategies can be conscious and behavioral (e.g. memorization or repetition with the purpose of remembering) or they can be sub-conscious and psycholinguistic (e.g. inferring or overgeneralization) (cited in Ellis,1985; p.13). In other words, learners employ learning strategies consciously or sub- consciously. On the contrary, Cohen (1998), states that learning processes are selected consciously by the learners. Likewise, Wenden (1987) defines learning strategies "as a language behavior that learners employ in the language learning process consciously."
In order to describe the second language learning process, as Ellis (1985, p.165) says "the process includes using second language knowledge which is composed of production and …show more content…

Through these strategies learners are able to manipulate their own cognition, coordinate, plan, organize and evaluate the learning process. Some processes which are related to metacognitive strategies are the strategies of advanced preparation, self monitoring, delayed production, Self-evaluation and self-reinforcement.
3. Socio Affective Strategies
Socio-affective strategies are related to the appropriate behaviours of the learner in communicating with others around them. Some of these strategies are asking questions, clarifying social roles and relationships, or co-operating with others in order to complete the tasks. Socio-affective strategies also help students overcome their emotional, psychological and social problems such as reducing anxiety and apprehension.
The main goal of using language learning strategies are to help learners improve their knowledge and understanding of the target language. They are the conscious thoughts and behaviours used by students to facilitate language learning tasks and to personalize the language learning

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