
Examples Of A Distant Relationship In Night By Elie Wiesel

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In the novel Eliezer and his dad had a distant relationship, but as they were forced into the death camps their relationship grew. At the beginning of the book his father wasn’t concerned much of Elie. In the next paragraph i’ll talk about the distant relationship they had. The camps they were forced into caused them to grow fonder of each other. His father already lost his wife and daughter, he couldn’t lose Elie as well. His wife and daughter were picked during the first selection and sent to the crematories.
Elie Wiesel and his father had a distant relationship. His father was more concerned about the community then he was his own family. Elie said “he was more concerned with others than his own family”. His father didn’t wanted to let …show more content…

“My father’s presence was the only thing that stopped me”(Wiesel pg 84). Elie was on the verge of dying and his father came and ran by his side and kept him going. Without his father being there to keep him going he would no longer be alive, this shows how much Elie needed his father. Elie and his father were being sent to another camp and, his father was beginning to slowly fade away. “Father! Father! Wake up. They’re trying to throw you out of the carriage”(Wiesel pg 94). He knew he wouldn’t be able to survive long without his father. He didn’t want to know what it was like not to have a father. When he realized his dad might be dead on the train he then realized how much indeed he needed his dad. “Come here! Come quickly! There’s someone strangling my son.”(Wiesel pg 97) His father yelled this at Meir Katz to help Elie because he was too weak. Elie’s father couldn’t help him but, he wanted his son to live and he made sure to grab help from someone else because he didn’t want his son to die. Elie towards the end of the book was taking care more of his father then of his own self. He was giving all his food to his dad to strengthen him. “You ought to be having to rations of bread, two rations of soup.”(Wiesel pg 105) Elie was told to stop giving his father all his rations but, he couldn’t bear to see his father like he was. He was

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