
Examples Of Dehumanization In Night By Elie Wiesel

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The Holocaust was a very tragic and important time in history that impacted people in the world forever, especially the Jews. It was a very emotional time for many Jewish relatives. Families went day by day not knowing if their loved ones had passed away or not. Wiesel explains what happens to the Jews inside the concentration camps. In the novella, Night, by Elie Wiesel, Wiesel’s identity from being humane to inhumane occurs through the dehumanization of the Jews by the Nazi soldiers.

Wiesel presents the demoralization of Jews through the physical changes in the appearance of the Jews. The Nazis came out with “...a new decree [that] every Jew had to wear the yellow star” and that made them stand out in society because they were branded like cattle (Wiesel 11). The yellow star became a label that dehumanized the Jews by making them stand out from everyone else because it was one way of making sure people judged them based on their race. Another way the Nazi soldiers took away the identity of Wiesel was when “...their clippers tore out …show more content…

Many Jews changed their ages to escape the grasps of death. A prisoner in the camp when Wiesel first got there told him and his father, “Do [Wiesel and his father] hear?” They were “eighteen and forty” because the prisoner has seen what has happened to the people who were the wrong age (Wiesel 30). Wiesel was too young to work and his father was too old so they escaped death by changing their ages and it gave themselves more time to live because they could both work in the concentration camp. Wiesel “...became A-7713,from then on, [he] had no other name”(Wiesel 31). Which in case meant he had lost all that made him unique and his form of identification changed. Likewise they lost their physical identity by losing their names and being branded like cattles. Therefore, the physical change of identity affects Wiesel in the story as

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